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Boom Goes Your Head

Boom Goes Your Head

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As they finally took off Shivani laid her head back against her seat and closed her eyes. Never did she imagine that she'd be here right now. In a helicopter surrounded by army men, criminals and other meta humans. The clown queen of Gotham braiding a lock of her dark hair just to undo it and start over again. Flying off into a city to rescue someone. That's if they could. If not then they all would die. Which she'd already made peace with before all of this. She felt the occasional stares from Flag. Of course he would be keeping his eyes on her just encase she decided to pull something. Which wouldn't happen. Maybe.

"Ooh! Look at the pretty lights! Are You guys seeing this?" Harley says.

She peeked one eye open in interest. Harley started taping on her should making her turn to look out of the window too. The whole city was dark, though she was sure it was still morning when they left. There was swirling ring of something in the sky with a lighting bolt that shot up from the ground. It was pretty. But looked very, very bad.

"What happened?" Floyd asked.

"Terra attack. Dirty bombs, bad guys shooting up the place with Aks. You know, usual shit." Flag said.

"Usual shit for you." Shivani mumbles turning back in her set. Eyes closing once more.

Rick and Floyd start to go back and forth. Then their bird gets shot at, killing the pilots up front. Bullets hits against metal going straight through missing the 9 of them. Shivani squeezes her eyes closed while Harley screams, grabbing onto her hand. The vine comes from underneath the sleeve of her jacket and stretches out, wrapping over her and the team of misfits as the chopper crashed on to the ground and start to roll. Finally it stops along with Harley's screaming and everyone is breathing heavily.

"There's a plant on me, why the hell is there a plant?" Digger asked to no one in particular.

The vine unwinded, retracting from them and went back to its hiding place. Aggravated they all unbuckled and went out through the back ramp where the team from the other chopper was waiting. Deadshot was the first one. The others followed suit.

"What a ride!" Harley said when she was out.

Shivani was right behind her about to jump down when Croc reached out grabbing her waist. She placed her hands on his shoulders as he brought her down lightly onto the ground. Thanking him they all started to walk through the destroyed city. Cars, even planes were on the ground. Torn apart. Trash and debris littered the ground. Fire set ablaze in different places on different things.

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