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Can't Change What's Done

Can't Change What's Done

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Task Force X and the what was left of the team of SEALs that Flag had brought along all walked the trashed streets together in a triangle shaped form. Shivani walked with Harley, who blew out a small bubble besides her. Then, not really to her surprise she found that Digger had returned back to the team. She sent him a warm smile and he gave her a nod in return. They all looked ahead, a certain swagger in their steps that matched their reptilian teammate as they headed towards their awaiting fight.

Standing behind a building that was closet to their objective they tried to come up with a plan. Digger threw one his boomerangs over the side and pulled out a smart phone from his pocket. Everyone tried to lean in and see the screen, the image that was on it from the camera from his flying weapon. It went through a small window and into the subway station.

"We think that thing's a weapon." Flag says as a picture of a very weird looking machine was glowing at the middle of the station, "Here. Lower."

Digger started to zoom in, getting closer, until the large glowing being knocked the boomerang out from the sky and the screen went black and white. He exhales tossing the now useless gadget away onto ground.

"We gotta take out the big one." Floyd says looking at Flag.

The Colonel looked away and stared to think. After a few seconds it seemed that a light bulb had went off in his head.

"I left a big ass demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that things feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out."

"Sounds like a plan." Shivani said and the others nod in agreement.

Now they currently stood inside the building. It had exelator stairs that had been shut off from the evacuation of the city. The gang were all reloading and getting ready. Shivani stood leaning against the wall outside the building, slightly cold without her jacket. The vine on her arm. The SEALs walked past carrying their scuba gear into the other side next to the flooded tunnel. Turning she looked over at Croc who stood by the door and had watched them go by too, motioning with her head for him to go over to them. He did go, growling and catching the four men's attention.

"I'm going with ya." Croc says taking off his leather jacket and letting it fall to the ground.

"We got this." One of them says.

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