{Alternate Ending}

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(Some of you guys asked for this so here you go!)

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(Some of you guys asked for this so here you go!)


How could life be so cruel?

It happened so fast. One second he was there and then the next just...


She could have saved him.

Diablo. The one man Shivani definitely saw as a light in her future was gone in a fiery explosion. He had sacrifice himself for them. For the world. For her. She should have ran to the hole in the ground and looked for anything--a charred limb--to bring him back. Even if that meant he'd be stuck on her skin forever. But Shivani stayed were she stood with teary eyes and racked up sobs.

She couldn't have saved him.

He wouldn't want that. And she truly wouldn't want that cursed fate for him either. It hurt to admit it, but she would never rob that peace from him.

The rest of the fight went on as a blur. Shivani moved as the others did, but slowly. Her brain had gone blank while staring off into the distance and her heart felt like cement in her chest. While her team was fighting to save the world, and while protecting her from Enchantress's blows and blades she stood amongst it all--the intensity of the wind and rain, the doomsday atmosphere--completely numb.

She was somewhat aware of the things which were happening around her. They had won the battle apparently, June didn't die, and Waller wasn't dead either, like they'd all assumed. Now without the dark clouds the sun was shining out in the sky, its warm rays against her skin yet still she still felt cold. There were words of a halo coming to pick them up. When it arrived Shivani watched as Waller, Katana, Flag and June went forward. A hand had been placed gently on her shoulder nudging her forward, legs suddenly turning weak she almost fell on her knees to the wet ground but Digger and Floyd both caught the girl and helped her get onto the helicopter. Once they her sat down Harley came into view and buckled her friend in and made sure everything was secure then brushing a dark lock of wet hair off Shivani's face and tucking it behind her ear with a small sad smile. There was no reaction.

They all felt the pain of Diablo's sacrifice that they made sure he had not done in vain. They wished there could have been another way. Shivani was still silent the whole time and her friends worried deeply, not knowing other than grief, what her set of mind was. But they stayed with her--Croc sat on the left of her, his big bulky figure watching the other soldiers on the flying vehicle that kept giving sideway glances at the tattooed beauty next to him, then growls causing them to look away. Floyd stood up to left of her holding onto handle up above him and Digger was the same but stood on the right, both the hitman and Aussie glaring daggers at anyone who decided to pass by too close or even try to glance at the women in the middle. And lastly, Harley sat in the seat to the right of her and made her head rest comfortably on her slightly dry shoulder while smoothing a hand down her long hair and humming a song. They stayed with here together.

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