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Beauty Reborn

Beauty Reborn

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"Is there any specific reason why we're here again?" Rick Flag asked.

The Colonel and Archaeologist June Moone had both been dragged out of their hotel room at 5:30 AM by two men in suits requesting them to come with them and on a military plane to Belle Reve Penitentiary. The first face they saw when they got off was Amanda Waller. She said no words but motions for the two of them to follow her into a small office that they were all in now. June was seated in a chair dressed in a navy blue dress skirt and a white dress shirt. Rick standing besides her in dark jeans and a black fitting long sleeved shirt rolled up his arms. Both far away from the woman they called 'boss'.

"Yes Flag, there is." Waller says in that monotone voice of hers. She held a brief case in her hands.

"Is the team getting back together?" June asked thinking there was another threat.

"No. This is about Shivani. It's time for a debrief about the destruction and aftermath in Midway City."

"The whole team's already been debriefed. So have the both of us. Hell, even you. It's been almost a week and nothings changed. She's...still dead." Flag's shoulders slump as he cast his eyes to the ground.

June looks down at her hands that were clasped together in guilt. Shivani wouldn't be dead if it wasn't because of The Enchantress and her brother. If she had been careful in the beginning none of this would have happened.

"Not exactly."

The couple looked up at the woman confused. Waller wore a secret smirk on her face. Walking over she opened the door.

"Walk with me."

They both followed her down the hall and to the stairwell. They passed by the floor where Killer Croc resided on underneath the building and surprisingly continued to go down deeper. The walls were moist and some of the stone was covered in growing moss. They came to a stop at a large door that held the yellow and black caution tape around the edges. Waller swiped her ID and the door slid opened and the three of them went inside. It was dark until the motion sensor kicked on and the stone hall was filled with light. Minus the two in the all the way in the back.

"During the clean up in Midway City we recovered something in the ruins of the subway station. Shivani was blown to pieces and we had thought she'd been completely disintegrated during the explosion. But then we found this."

Waller pulled out a folder from her case and handed it to Flag who opened it and the first thing inside was a blown up picture. There was an orange oval shaped object with a hint of dark green around the edges. From the picture it seemed to be glowing. A ruler to the side of it with measurements at the bottom saying that it was one inch long, 2 centimeters wide.

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