Chapter Nine

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Jenna and I spent our time in All Time Low’s tour bus while the guys are out drinking or something since it was night and we still have another day here. “I really like this colour,” I said picking up the neon pink nail varnish that Jenna brought round since her fans give her girly things and might as well try them out.

“That is awesome, I’m going to put this purple and blue on,” she said holding up the sparkly purple and blue nail varnish. It was nice having a girl figure around for now and I wonder who’s going to be the supporting act in Europe. I painted my nails that pink and I was happy with the work I did on both hands and let them dry. Jenna and I were having a girly night and boys free. “It’s great that you came along, I would’ve been the only girl and won’t have any time to myself and another girl,” she said and I agreed.

“Thank god for that huh,” I smiled.

“So how was your and Alex’s date today then?” she asked.

“It was crazy; we skydived and then we went for dinner and I still can’t believe that because I thought I was scared of heights but I guess not now,” I laughed and she chuckled.

“That’s good. Does that mean that you and Alex have stopped being enemies?” she asked but I shook my head.

“We still bully each other but talking about our families has changed our perspectives on each other you know? We watch what we’re saying to each other,” I said and she nodded my head.

“If you were properly married I would think that you guys would be really cute together but I guess not,” she said and I scoffed.

“Me and Alex as if, I’m surprised we haven’t killed each other yet but yeah he is attractive but I don’t know. I don’t like him in that way,” I said.

“Are you sure now Katie? Are you really sure?” Jenna asked and I didn’t need to think about it because I know it’s true.

“I don’t like him that way but we are slowly building a friendship and we’re getting divorced in 6 months and I honestly can’t wait to get away from his last name and finally being happy with myself and some other guy I will find in the future,” I said and she nodded my head but still smirking.

“Fine I believe you and I guess but why don’t you try Alex a go or something?” she asked.

“Alex a go? No way! Even if I did like him he wouldn’t go for me. We’re totally different. He likes the attention; I don’t. He’s out going; I’m not. We are different.” I said.

“But opposites attract.” She said.

After Jenna leaving; the guys came back onto the bus and they all made disgusting faces. “What is that smell?” I heard Zack say.

“Its nail varnish,” Alex said.

“Oh sorry ladies’ man,” Jack said and Alex stormed off somewhere and Rian punched Jack in the arm. “What’s that for?” he asked.

“You are stupid he’s still not over you know who.” Rian said and Jack nodded his head.

“What else has Alex not told me?” I asked them all and they shook their heads. I walked down to our bunk and I removed the curtains to see him crying at a photo. He looked at me and looked back to the photo and then scooted over so I could lie beside him which I did. I saw the picture and the girl was beautiful. Her long wavy brown hair and blue eyes smiled into the picture with Alex beside her. “Is this your ex?” I asked and he sniffled nodding his head.

“What happened?” I asked him.

“She dumped m-me,” he said and started crying into my shoulder. I stroked his head of hair and soothed him not really knowing what to do.

“It’s okay there are other plenty fish in the sea,” I smiled and he nodded his head laughing as he moved his head above my head and laughed wiping his cheeks.

“I guess you’re right, thanks Katie.” he smiled.

“No problem Alex.” I smiled and wiped the tear falling from his cheek. I noticed his lopsided smile with little dents around his face and his dark chocolate eyes that I’ve never looked in much detail before. The way every strand of hair swept across his forehead leaving a bit of his forehead and his massive eyebrows that were really nice. Soon something weird was going to happen. He leaned forward and closed his eyes but I quickly moved my head so he kissed my cheek. He pulled away and I smiled awkwardly as I moved out the bunk. I can’t be with him right now, what in case I do like Alex? I walked out the bus and I walked to Tonight Alive’s bus and knocked on the door. Jake opened it and smiled.

“Oh hey Katie you looking for Jenna?” he asked and I nodded my head as he moved aside to let me in. I walked into the front lounge to see Jenna on her phone as I took her phone out her hand.

“Dude you can’t do that,” she said.

“Jenna I have something to tell you,” I said urgently.

“What? What is it Katie?” she asked.

“You’re right,” I said.

“What am I right about?” she asked but I thought about it for a while which leaved a long silence. “What Katie? What am I right about?”

“I think I like Alex.”


And also check out my good friend's @RazorbladeKissesx Jalex Story 'It's Not Strength, It's Willpower' it's brilliant and I recommended it to all the Jalex lovers!(:

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