two // eat

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"ella dinner is ready! please come down to eat!" my mother called to me from downstairs. i just sighed loudly, because i did not want to eat at all. being really sick causes me to not have an appetite that much, and when i do have one i just eat really lightly. not eating enough also makes me more sick than i already am.

i started walking down my creaky stairs, making my way to the small kitchen that was filled with my frantic mother, my alcoholic father, and little innocent brother. already my breathing was fucked.

we're pretty poor now because of my medical expenses, and also my father was just layed off. my dad never touched a drop of alcohol, but a couple years into me being sick he just started getting really depressed. having cancer also caused things between my parents to be strained, and my poor little brother always scared.

"ella, here are some fresh vegetables to eat, which also include brussels sprouts which are really good for helping your health." my mom said, handing me a plate of food.

"sarah! she has fucking lung cancer! these certain vegetables aren't going to anything!" my dad snickered. i could already see his good friend budlight was sitting next to him, probably his 6th one.

my mom started tearing up a bit, but then she turned away quickly to fix my father and brother a plate. 

"thank you mom it's looks really great! i'm sure these vegetables will do me some good!" i said, giving my father a death glare.

my mom can be pretty irrational a lot of the time, but i know she has a big heart and just wants me to be okay. i appreciate her for that.

"make sure you take all your pills please, and also i forgot to tell you but we have an appointment with Dr. Mitchell next week." she said, while sitting down at the dinner table.

i sighed loudly. i hate the fucking doctor. i just hear the same shit every time.

after taking my pills i then started to eat a little bit of food, but i already didn't feel good. i didn't wanna eat anymore, so i started to do that one trick that cassie does in the show skins. cut up the food and talk really fast.

"so jack, how was your day at school? did you finally beat brandon at the big race in gym class? did you ever beat that one video game you were playing?" cutting up more and more food while i babbled.

"uh actually i d-" my brother was cut off by my angry father.

"silence! jesus christ can we all just eat in silence for once in this damn house!" he yelled, shoving more food into his mouth.

i rolled my eyes, and just started poking my food with my fork like a 5 year old. i looked up to see my mom mouthing the word "eat" at me. ugh.

i took a few bites of food, instantly regretting it but i just wanted to make my mother happy. if i didn't at least eat a little then she would be all worried and basically begging me to eat. out of nowhere my cell phone starting ringing once again.

"no phones while eating ella, just let it go to voicemail. if it's a doctor they'll just leave a voicemail i'm sure." my mom said, giving me that typical "mom" glare.

i looked at the number and realized it was that awkward boy from before. i kinda wanted to answer it.

"mom, uh my stomach is just really messed up right now so may i be excused? i should really answer this." i said, while getting up from the chair.

"uh, yeah i guess so honey. thank you for eating some food." my mom sighed.

i heard my father say something under his breath before i got upstairs as quickly as someone with an oxygen tank could and answered my phone.

michael: hello?

ella: you again, huh?

michael: how'd yo-

the number silly

ella: i recognized the number haha

michael: oh, right. you're probably wondering why i'm calling, right?

i mean i guess, but like i'm just glad he called so i could get the heck out of that silent kitchen

ella: um, yeah

michael: i'm probably going to sound like the biggest creep, but your voice is really pretty and i don't know. i just wanted to call you again.

he's so adorable? it sounded a little strange but then at the same time i just wanted to give this kid a hug. i liked the way he was talking to me, because i have never had that before.

ella: you don't sound creepy. okay, maybe just a little haha. thank you for saying my voice is pretty, your voice is nice too.

michael: you don't think i'm weird?

if he met me in real life, and saw and heard all the shit that was wrong with me, then he would probably think i was weird

ella: no, I've never met you before. why would i judge you if i have never met you?

michael: wow, thanks i guess. i'm michael.

michael is a really cute name

ella: i'm ella.

then you have my basic ass name

☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹ ☹

hi guys here's another update!!!! (if there's any mistakes I'm sorry I'm just a lazy bitch tht doesn't wanna edit oops) i really hope you like it and thank you for all ur love on the first part of ella's point of view. yes ella has a lot more story than michael does, because well i mean michael did live alone and had no siblings, a dead father, and an estranged mother, and i mean we did get to hear a little bit about his story but i didn't really go in depth with it like i'm doing with ella. i hope that doesn't annoy you guys haha. but please keep voting, commenting and adding this story to ur libraries!!! i really appreciate everything that u guys do truly!!! also please if u get a chance to check out my calum story called anxiety!!! here's my social medias if u wanna hmu

twitter- ultvisuals

ig- allisontrbl

tumblr- trumantears

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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