two // weird

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i thought about calling that girl again, because she sounded like she was kinda my age? no. i don't know. she would think i'm some weirdo, right? i am weird and stupid. why would this girl want to talk to me? i accidentally called her, that's it. something about her voice made me feel happy, which is strange because usually nothing makes me happy.

after debating for 5 minutes whether or not i should call this girl, i finally got the courage to do it. what if she thinks i'm weird? what if she hangs up? these thoughts flooded my mind like usual, i always end up overthinking things.

michael: hello?

ella: you again, huh?

michael: how'd yo-

ella: i recognized the number haha

her giggle was adorable and i wanted to know her name so badly

michael: oh, right. you're probably wondering why i'm calling, right?

no shit

ella: um, yeah

michael: i'm probably going to sound like the biggest creep, but your voice is really pretty and i don't know. i just wanted to call you again.

ella: you don't sound creepy. okay, maybe just a little haha. thank you for saying my voice is pretty, your voice is nice too.

she was understanding and really sweet about it. why though?

michael: you don't think i'm weird?

ella: no, i've never met you before. why would i judge you if i've never met you?

she had a point, but i really would have expected her to hang up by now though, because in my head i felt like a complete creep.

michael: wow, thanks i guess. i'm michael.

ella: i'm ella.

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again sorry for it being so short that kinda annoys me but whatever aw ella is so cUTE NO

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