four // overthinking

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i didn't know if i should call ella first, or if she should call me. it's been a few days and i kinda feel like she's ignoring me or thought i was annoying. maybe she's just busy, i thought to myself.

i was strumming on my guitar for a bit, and then my phone started to go off. i felt really happy all of a sudden, and my sadness and anxiety inside faded away. it was ella.

michael: hi ella!

ella: hi michael! haha, how are you?

michael: i'm okay. are you okay?

ella: yeah, i'm okay. just a little sick.

even when she's sick, her voice sounds pretty.

michael: aw, i'm sorry. i don't think i have ever asked you, but how old are you?

ella: i'm seventeen and i'm senior. you?

michael: i'm eighteen and i'm a senior too.

i'm really glad that ella and i are around the same age, because if she was way younger that would be a little weird.

ella: do you like school?

michael: well, i'm homeschooled so yeah i guess so.

ella: i'm homeschooled too haha, but it's kinda boring to me.

michael: yeah it is pretty boring, but i like being alone.

ella: me too, but i like being around people sometimes too.

why is she so cute?

michael: why are you homeschooled? i hope that wasn't too personal of a question.

ella: haha, no. um. i- i got really bullied, so my parents um decided to put me in homeschooling.

she sounded unsure in her answer, but i didn't want to assume anything.

michael: i'm sorry that you got bullied, you seem like a great person.

ella: why are you homeschooled?

michael: my doctor thought it was a good idea. i have really bad anxiety plus panic attacks, and i would have terrifying panic attacks at school. so i was just put in homeschooling.

ella: i'm sorry. i know how you feel though, i constantly overthink and have anxiety.

she gets it.

michael: let's overthink together then!

ella: if i get to overthink with you, then i'm in.

ella then started coughing really hard, and at one point the coughing noise faded away. i assume she was holding the phone away from herself.

michael: ella? are you okay?

ella: i have to go, i'm sorry. i'm just really tired and f-feel sick. bye michael.

she hung up quickly. i felt confused. her coughing was really heavy and strong, but i'm sure she's okay. i hope i talk to her soon. talking to her numbs the sadness and thoughts taking over my brain.




think about (something) too much or for too long.

"must you overthink every relationship?"


hOLY SHIT I'M SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS UPDATE AND MICHAEL IS SO SWEET AND CUTE and idk the thing with ella was weird but i love her character so much too ok so you guys should comment and let me know your opinions on this ok ily bye

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