one // accident

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michael: hi, um is luke there?

ella: who?

michael: is luke there?

ella: i'm sorry, you must have the wrong number. there's no luke here.

i had no clue who i was talking to, but it was clearly not luke. this girl's voice was so soft and calming though.

michael: fuck, i'm sorry.

ella: haha, it's okay.

michael: this has been so awkward, i'm sorry. bye.

ella: goodbye.

she said "goodbye" in the cutest way. what am i doing? i thought to myself. i didn't even bother to call luke, because he probably would end up making an excuse as to why he couldn't couldn't talk anyway. bastard.

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hi i'm really sorry that the first part is rlly shitty and super short but other parts will get longer i promise i'M SO NERVOUS ABOUT THIS STORY LIKE I'VE HAD THE IDEA FOR IT IN MY HEAD BUT IDK ok bye

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