nine // i think i love you

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michael: american horror story reference!

ella: i had too, and michael i like you just the way you are. you may have a disorder, but that doesn't make you less funny or nice. you're an amazing person.

michael: i've never talked to such a nice person before. when i would be in class, i would talk to calum, and the kids in class would make fun of me. i also had anxiety attacks at school, because sometimes calum would just disappear and i would get scared.

ella: i would never make fun of you, and i will never judge you.

michael: i know, and that's why i-i love you.

what? what did i just do? i do love ella, but she maybe doesn't feel the same way. stupid. stupid. stupid.

ella: you what?

michael: i think i love you, and that kind of scares me.

ella: i love you too. it scares me as well, because we haven't known each other for that long, but i feel like i've known you for years. you make me happy.

michael: you make me happy too. fuck. i wish we were in person, so i could like kiss you or something.

holy shit. i love this girl, and she loves me back.

ella: just because we're not in person doesn't mean anything.

michael: are you suggesting phone sex?

ella: why not? nothing too hardcore though.

michael: ella! you're so cute and innocent, but now you want to have phone sex?!

ella: oh, okay. we don't have to.

michael: wait, i want to.

is this seriously about to happen?

ella: i'm laying beside you, my face nuzzled up against your chest.

michael: we both sit up, and i start to leave sloppy kisses up and down your neck.

ella: okay, no. phone sex sucks and it's weird not being in person.

michael: agreed.

ella: i felt like i was reading bad smut, but out loud haha.

her giggle made me smile.

michael: i love you.

ella: i love you too.

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bitch it me !

hey hi hola i'm currently in hell aka school while updating this but this was really small but super cute iDK WHY I DID THAT LITTLE PHONE SEX THING DONT ASK but they love eachother and idk if it was too soon to make them express that but whateva thank you again for all the votes ya'll are my fucking cinnamon apples ily : )

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