Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

(Harry's POV)

I punched him to the ground making him bleed, feeling really pissed off. I was already feeling this way but when I saw him and listened to him make his petty excuses of why he hasn't done his job, I couldn't resist.

"Come on Harry! I don't know anything else. The witches aren't talking and they are all dropping like flies" He squirmed looking scared. I started to wipe off the blood on my knuckle with my hanker-chief from my back pocket, but with my black jeans and my shirt covered in blood and dirty, I looked like I hadn't changed in weeks. Truth was I hadn't been back in the country for a while so getting changed since I was back wasn't a priority of mine. I had been on the search for Ellie since she we had said goodbye so many years ago 

"You're a witch who's had, what? 45 years to find out what happened to Ellie. And yet you come back and say you didn't find anything" I explained as he got back up from the floor. He was shaking and keeping his distance from me spitting words out rushing and stuttering them to help himself out. 

"She's from the royal bloodline, to find information on them is a little harder than the wolves." He explained, not telling me what I wanted to hear. I had met up with him every year for 45 years and which each passing year, he has always come back with a lead, what made it so difficult this time?

"But I'm not asking about the wolves am I?" I indicated trying to get the conversation back on track. 

"I know you're not but I was just comparing." He uttered looking down at the floor, knowing he shouldn't have spoke. 

"If you've not found anything else, this conversation is redundant. You will be redundant." I intimidatingly spoke overlooking his anxious body on the floor. 

"I'm not redundant. I might know something." He said standing up suddenly as I was about to turn away from him. 

"Why do you make it so hard for yourself?" I asked wanting to know what how he was going to defend himself.

"It's a bit weird how Ellie and her family all died at the same place but with no trace of how and where" He explained telling me what I already knew. Moving forward to intimidate him, I wanted to know where he was going with this.

"Carry on" I said walking around him, surrounding him.

"So after the last time we met I did a little digging and trying to find any type of records.  Credit or debit, mobile payments. But nothing. There's no record of the Dunson family ever dying or ever doing anything even the day you claim to have seen her. There was just a missing persons case but even that died down." He explained but I didn't understand where he was going with it. I stopped in front of him before I spoke up.

"So what are you trying to say?" I asked taking a step closer to him to scare him a little.

"I did that tracking spell we tried when they first left." He confessed. 

"But it didn't work, we both saw it." I recited remembering the feeling of when we did the spell. Finding out she couldn't be found, I didn't want to believe it could be true. 

"If a spell is new and fresh, it's easier to block and hide. So when it's old and had a few years to adjust, it leaves a mark. A trace in the magic map of things as us witches say." He explained further going off track, his hand wavering off as he spoke. 

"Get to your point." I asserted as I continued to surround him as I spoke, his body twisting and turning to face my direction. 

"I found a mark." He breathed sounding relieved to get it out of his system. 

"What does that mean?" I asked liking where this was going. 

"It means that they've blocked the tracking spell because someone doesn't want them to be found. And being as they are a special family, I think there would have been more of a fuss if they all died and it was true."

"So?" I queried unsure what this mean't. 

"So either Ellie did get murdered and her body and her families have been hidden across the end of the earth or she is alive and she's being hidden away" He stated.

"Why didn't you mention this earlier?" I quizzed crossing my arms. 

"Because it doesn't mean anything. You can't track her." He answered. I placed my hand on his shoulder so I could look into his eyes, feeling a sense of hope. 

"Ah but it means something. It means there's an answer out there of what happened to her." I explained making him flinch before using my super speed to vanish out of his sight and away from the area.  

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