Chapter 20:

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Chapter 20:

(Ellie's POV)

After I left Harry, It only took a blink before I was suddenly back in the portal with my family. My mother was sat writing letters on the table whilst my dad was talking to a few of his men in the joined back room behind her. I knew I had a little longer to talk to them because they were both here but I still felt a little awkward now because it mean't that I would have been caught. 

"I didn't hear the door go, how long have you been standing there?" She asked looking up from whatever she writing. 

"Not long." I answered briefly looking down at my bare feet. 

"Come sit. We'll need to go over some spells soon anyway." She mentioned motioning for me to sit on the chair next to her at the table. I shuffled awkwardly finding it funny that she didn't even click on what I was wearing, not something she would class suitable but the fact that she wasn't looking that close was a good sign in a weird way. It might mean it'll be easier to tell her about my untimely death. 

"Ellie?" She questioned when I didn't move. 

"I have a little problem. Something I can't get out of." I began to explain trying to bring humour into the subject until I was interrupted. 

"You've gone no longer than half an hour and yet you come back looking a state. What are you wearing?" My dad asked joining us in the room looking appalled. It didn't bother me because it's not like my looks were the most important thing right now. 

"It doesn't matter. You see there was this issue with-" I managed to say, trying to discard the comment on my clothes but they cut into what I was saying to try and make their point, the story of my life. 

"It does matter, if you're going to go out and represent this family and the witches you need to be looking -" I interrupted his speech getting sick of them going on about it. 

"-I'm dead! I died. I'm supposed to be saying by goodbyes not getting into an argument about what i'm wearing right now." I yelled a little, well raising my voice but still. 

"Stop being silly." She commented crossing her arms. 

"It's true." I said revealing my fading hand. She stood up from where she was sat, placing down her pen. 

"Helen." He mentioned looking at her for the next instructions. 

"The brandy drawer now Ryan, back box in the bottom drawer." She instructed, following her every word as she stood there still in shock, her gaze looking me up and down. 

"What are you doing?" I asked watching my dad pick out a box in a hurry, taking out a glass bottle with a cork top. It looked rustic and something that's been there since the dawn of time, or something that's been handed down to them since then. 

"Bringing you back." He spoke. He threw the liquid at me making me squirm as the acid the liquid began spreading around my body that was my soul. The pain was like a a thousand knives being pushed into each place on my body. 

"De ortu mortuorum, lumen in ignis spiritus. Quod anima Christi resuscitati." My mum first spoke to my dad which they then both began chanting 

"De ortu mortuorum, lumen in ignis spiritus. Quod anima Christi resuscitati." They both repeated. The spell was bringing my body back from its resting place. I knew this because the sudden pressure that the wind brought felt as if i was absorbing the weight of the world through my back, each body part that was burning was less painful until my whole body felt like it did before the incident with Tom. The force however of my soul gaining back my body get shoved to the floor. 

My hair was all over my face when I looked up to see their reaction, and let's just say what I saw wasn't great. Dad couldn't have looked any angrier than he did right now with his hands on his hips and his face scorning me with his hurt betrayal. Mum however was looking disappointed. Her face spoke more than her words ever could. 

"So, What did you do?" He asked crossing his arms, ready to start shouting.

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