Chapter 1

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'Thomas Jefferson'

Alexander read the name over multiple times before crumpling and throwing the paper into the trash. He had to share a room with Thomas Jefferson. For a whole year. That was something he just couldn't wrap his head around. All the two ever do is fight. Alexander tries so hard to keep the fighting for debates but now. Living with the guy? His anxiety was getting worse by the day and this sure as hell wasn't going to help. His phone buzzed.

Group chat with: a.ham,and peggy, angie,burr sir, elizaaa, hercules, johnny,la baguette, miss maria

johnny:who are you guys rooming with? im with aaron so i guess thats ok

angie:im with liza!

la baguette:herc is with me ;)


miss maria:im with peggy. who r u with alex?

Alex ignored the text for quite a while before finally responding.

a.ham:thomas jefferson.....

The next half hour or so Alexander was just flooded with everyone asking him questions and commenting. He silenced his phone after a while. It didn't make much of a difference but it was quiet again. He put in his headphones and started making his way to his room. He never actually put music on, or even plugged the headphones into his phone. He just needed a way to look busy or like he doesn't want to be bothered. Once he made it to the room he knocked on the door and entered.


Thomas Jefferson was a year older than Alex but still in his second year of college. As was his roommate Alexander Hamilton. He hated the name. He hated Alex, the way he always argued with him, the way they could never agree on anything, the way Alex would always correct him... Though, at the same time, Thomas didn't want to hate him. He wanted to be friends with him. No...Not friends. More than friends. He loved Alex. When he saw that Alex would be rooming with him he was flooded with worry, excitement, emotions he couldn't describe.

Thomas was just settling into his new room. He cleaned up his empty boxes and tried to make the room that he had already made a mess of clean before his roommate came. Thomas had tied his hair into a low ponytail to keep it out of his face. He wore a plain t-shirt, dark purple pants and a magenta sweater which he kept loosely tied around his neck.

He had just sat back down after cleaning when there was a knock on the door. Before he could say come in Alexander walked in. "You should keep the door locked." Alex scolded, throwing his bag on to the bed across from Thomas'. He took out his laptop set it on his desk. A light blush crossed Thomas' face as he watched Alex. He shook his head slightly, tearing his eyes away from the younger boy. Thomas laid in his bed. There were no classes till that afternoon so he had nothing to do.


Alex was thoroughly pissed off that he'd be living with Thomas of all people for that year. Why couldn't it have been Lafayette like last year or ANY of his other friends. At least they didn't try to piss Alex off whenever they got the chance. Alexander had been staring at the blank google docs page for what seems to have been an hour. Alex closed his laptop, shoving it into his bag and throwing himself onto the bed. Thomas was sitting at his own desk watching YouTube without headphones which just made Alex more pissed. "Can you turn that down." He said. "And why should I do that?" Thomas responded, smirking. "Just..." Alex sighed. He was not in the mood to argue. He screamed into his pillow then got up and grabbed a glass of water. He goes into the bathroom and locks the door so Thomas won't see him taking his pills. They're supposed to help with his anxiety. They barely work though. When he came back out Thomas had put on headphones. It was quiet again, Alex silently thanked him and laid in his bed.

I hate you (Thomas JeffersonXAlexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now