Chapter 5

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Alex got out of bed early that morning. Thomas was cold without Alex with him. Thomas sat up, looking over to Alex. "How are you feeling?" Alex asked. "Fine" Thomas answered. Alex nodded, sitting at his desk. He tool his laptop out again, working on his paper. Thomas got out of bed and walked over to Alex. He wrapped his arms around Alex's neck, reading over his shoulder. Alex tensed at Thomas' touch.

There was a loud knock on the door. Thomas immediately let go. He put his hood back on and opened the door. There was a girl standing at the door. She smiled. "You must be Thomas! I'm Mimi. Is Alex here?" Thomas looked back at Alex, who was still typing. "Yeah. He's here. Come on in." Thomas said, opening the door fully, allowing Mimi to come inside. She pulled up a chair beside Alex and talked with him. Thomas sat silently at his own desk, slipping in headphones.

Mimi and Alex left, leaving Thomas alone. He thought about calling James but he was in class and Thomas didn't want to interrupt him. He would have walked around campus but he didn't want anyone to see him. He sat back in his chair, staring at the ceiling.


Alexander returned late at night, clearly drunk. He fell back, onto Thomas' bed. "I'm going to kill Mimi..." he slurred. Thomas chuckled. He sat on the bed beside Alex. "This is my bed you know." Thomas smirked. "Fuck you." Alex mumbled, rolling onto his side. Thomas laid down and wrapped his arms around Alex. Alex shifted closer to Thomas. A few minutes later he had completely passed out. Thomas smiled, brushing the hair out of Alex's face. Alexander looked adorable.


Thomas had to leave early the next morning for a doctor appointment, which he'd be having a couple times a month for a while now. They said that he was fine at the moment. He got kinda pissed when they said that. At the moment. He sighed. When he came back to the dorm room Alex was sprawled across Thomas' bed, staring at the ceiling. "How's it goin'? Shouldn't you be in class?" Thomas asked. "It's fine. And no. Washington excused me for today." Alex mumbled. Washington was Alexander's adopted father. He took Alex in when he came to America. Washington was a teacher at the college Alex and everyone else was attending. Alex was actually glad he had Washington around. It was comforting. Alex's head was pounding. He put a hand on his head. "Damn hangover." He mumbled, attempting to sit up. Thomas locked the door and sat beside Alex. Alex leaned on Thomas lightly. Thomas just assumed that Alex leaning on him was him still being drunk. "Thomas..." Alex whispered. I'm going to regret this. "Can I kiss you..." His whisper was barely audible. Thomas looked down at him in surprise. "What..." shit. I messed up. "Nothing!" Alex said quickly. Thomas hesitated before leaning down, kissing Alexander lightly. Alex kissed back almost instantly, wrapping his arms around Thomas' neck. Alex pulled away slightly. "Thomas... I love you..." Thomas smiled. "I love you too." Alex kissed Thomas again, pulling him down on top of himself. Thomas smirked into the kiss. He pulled away, laying beside Alex. "I love you... so so much Alexander." Thomas whispered, so close to Alex that he could feel Thomas' breath against his skin. A light blush crossed Alex's face. He smiled, closing his eyes. Thomas kissed Alex's forehead. They both fell asleep easily.


Thomas woke up in the late afternoon the next day. Alex was sitting at his desk, wearing what looked to be one of Thomas' shirts. His hair was tied up into a messy bun. He looked over at Thomas and smiled. "Morning." "Good morning." Thomas said, sitting up. He got out of bed and kissed Alex quickly. He picked Alex up, sitting him on his lap. Thomas looked down at Alex's arms. Scars, most likely from cutting, covered his arms. Alexander always wore a hoodie or a long sleeved shirt so Thomas had never seen the cuts. Thomas grabbed Alex's wrist tightly. "Alex..." Alex pulled his arm away. "It's nothing." He says harshly. "Alright... I'll leave it..." Thomas says. He kisses Alex's cheek lightly. "Also... are you wearing my shirt." Alex smiled slightly. "Maybe..." Thomas shakes his head. "Dork." Alex smirks and kisses Thomas. Alex's phone buzzes, ruining their moment. Alex sighs, looking at his phone.

Chat with: miss maria

miss maria: Alex... James is here... help me...

James Reynolds. Maria's ex boyfriend. Reynolds abused Maria constantly throughout their relationship and after. Now he's back. Alex got off of Thomas and threw on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. He texted back Maria.

a.ham: im coming

He sprinted out the door and to where Eliza and Maria were staying. Thomas ran after him. Alex burst into their dorm room. Maria was sitting alone on her bed. Only half dressed, wrapped in her blanket. She was shaking. "Maria! What happened?!" He ran over to Maria, wrapping his arms around her. Maria was bawling. "Shh... it's ok... I'm here now. James is gone." Alex played with Maria's hair to calm her down.

Eliza came back to the room. "Maria!" Alex moved so Eliza could sit. Eliza held Maria tight. Eliza and Maria had dated for some time now. Alex went to leave. Maria grabbed Alex's hand. "Stay..." she whispered. Alex sat back down, keeping an arm around Maria. Thomas started walking back to his room. The hallways were so dark. Thomas could barely see. He heard a soft chuckle from behind him. "Hello Thomas." A voice said.


Note: Look who already has another chapter done!!!!!

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