Chapter 12

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"M-Mimi....I-I don't know what to do..." Alex muttered uncomfortably.

"I don't know how to help you.... but you can't be here right right now... What are you going to if Thomas comes...." Mimi says in a quiet tone. "My roommate is going to be coming back soon too. What's she going to think if she sees us... You should go back... Text me in the morning ok..."

"....ok..." He said softly. "Thank you Mimi..." he kisses Mimi lightly on the cheek before leaving.

Alex started towards his own room. He keeps his hands in his pockets, shuffling down the halls. He is knocked off his feet by someone running down the hallway. The one who was running had fell on top of Alex.

"Sorry... sorry sorry..." The person repeats himself many times, getting off of Alex and helping him up.

It wasn't till Alex looked into his eyes that he realized it was Thomas that's run into him.

His eyes welled with tears and he hugged Thomas tight."I'm sorry... Thomas I'm so so sorry... I-I love you... I need you here Thomas I-"

Alex was cut off by Thomas kissing him.

"You have no reason to be sorry darling. I should be sorry for not believing you..." he says. "I still can't believe you'd sleep with some guy you don't know and we haven't even slept together yet!" He said jokingly.

"Too soon Thomas.... Also I'm willing to change that..." Alex says, smiling, still on the verge of tears.

Thomas kissed him again, staying there for a long time. Alex pulled away, tears freely flowing down his cheeks.

"How about I take some time off... I'll come stay with you and Nina for a month or so. I'll have to bring work with me but still..." Alex says.

"That sounds great..." Thomas smiles, kissing his forehead. "I'll come help you pack. You can just Email your teachers right?"

Alex nods, holding Thomas' hand and walking back to the room with him.

Alex started packing, being kissed by Thomas every time he would walk past. Once he was done Thomas pushed him onto his old bed (which Alex has pretty much claimed as his own) kissing him lightly.

Alex stopped him. "We should get going..."

"Aww... come on... Just for a bit?" Thomas complained.

"When we're home ok..."

"Fine...." He said, getting off of Alex.


The drive home seemed quicker than usual. Once they arrived home they were greeted by the babysitter.

"H-hello." They say, a worried look in their face. "Nina seems to be a bit ill at the moment. She's in bed. I'm terribly sorry. I don't know what I can do to help..."

Thomas practically sprinted up to Nina's room.

"Thank you dear. Would you like coffee or anything?" Alex asked.

"N-no... I should be heading home..."

"Do you need a ride?"

"No I think I can manage. Thank you."

Alex handed her a fifty dollar bill. "Get home safe ok."

"Thank you so much sir!" They said, smiling awkwardly. "I hope Nina feels better soon... Feel free to call me if you need a sitter again."

Alex smiled. "Thanks again dear."

"No problem..."

The sitter left and Alex went up to Nina's room.

The small girl was curled up in her sheets, her stuffed bunny clutched to her chest. Thomas was kneeled beside her bed, singing quietly to her. Nina has fallen asleep. She looked so peaceful there. Alex smiled softly, leaning on the door frame. Thomas kissed Nina's forehead, whispering something to her and getting up. He takes Alexander's hands, kissing him. He closes the door.

"How's Nina doing..." Alex asked.

"Not too well... Her head is so hot and she's coughing quite a bit... We should take her to a doctor." Thomas says, clearly worried, which is most certainly understandable.

"It's probably just a cold. She'll be fine Thomas, okay."

"I'm still worried..."

"Nina is going to be fine okay?"

Thomas sighed, nodding.

Alex kissed Thomas lightly. "Good."

Thomas smirked, picking Alex up. He brought him to the bedroom, laying him down. He quickly took his shirt off, locking lips with Alexander. Alex ran his hands up Thomas' chest, wrapping them around his neck.

Alex broke the kiss. "Are... Are we really doing this..."

"Are you ok with that?" Thomas asks, kissing Alexander's neck.




Alex woke up extremely early the next morning, long before the sun was up. He brushed his hair from his face and got out of bed, nearly falling over. He was so sore. Thomas was awoken by Alexander leaving the bed. He smirked, seeing Alexander in a state like this.

"Good morning darlin'" he said quietly, startling Alex.

"M-morning..." Alex says, quickly wrapping himself in a blanket, blushing a deep shade of red.

"What are you doing up so early?"

"I-I didn't even realize it was that early... sorry..."

Alex sat back down on the bed. Thomas put his arms around the small man, kissing him quickly, earning a flustered smile from his partner.

"Why are you so perfect..." Alex said softly.

"Oh please, I'm anything but perfect." Thomas said, rolling his eyes slightly.

"What are you talking about! Look at you with your perfect body and perfect eyes and perfect face..."

Thomas kissed Alexander lightly.

"And you perfect fucking lips!"

Thomas chuckled, pulling the flustered Alexander onto his lap. "You're adorable..." he whispers.

"You're so mean..." Alex says, scrunching his nose.

"D-dad.." a small voice echoed through the room.

They both looked up to see Nina. Alex quickly covered them with the blanket, blushing lightly.

"What is it darling?" Thomas says, making it so Alex was sitting beside him.

"I don't feel good..." she mumbled.

Thomas reaches over, grabbing a magenta housecoat and slipping it on, tying the ribbon tight around his waist. He climbed out of bed, coming over to Nina. He kneeled in front of her.

"What hurts dear?" He says in a surprisingly calm tone.

"My throat and chest..." she says, her voice shaky. "A-and my head..."

"It's going to be ok honey... How about you come lie down with us for a bit... How does that sound?"

Nina gives a small smile. "Okay..." she says, crawling into bed beside Alex, who kept a blanket between them for obvious reasons.

Thomas stepped outside for a bit, calling for a doctor to come over and check Nina but since it was so early and since it was so sudden they wouldn't be able to get anyone over till after twelve.

Thomas sighed, putting the phone down and lying on the other side of Alex, wrapping his arms around him and Nina. He kisses Alexander's head, closing his eyes.

"I'm so lucky to have you two." Thomas says, smiling. "I love you both so much..."

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