Chapter 3

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Alex dreaded the rest of his shift that day. Thomas didn't leave and he wouldn't order anything. He just sat there. Alex looked up at the clock. 1:30. Finally. He headed back into the break room, falling back onto the couch. He sat there for a while before getting back. 10 minutes till his class. Alex took his hair out and put on a dark grey sweater from in his bag. Alex walked out of the cafe, avoiding eye contact with Jefferson. He slipped one headphone in and walked to class, sitting in the back of the room with John. Alexander and John dated for a while but after a while they decided it'd just be best to be friends. "Hey sleepy head!" John said, with a smile. Alex ran his hand through his hair. "Is it really that bad.." He mumbled. "You need to sleep Alexander." John said. "Sorry-" Alex was cut off by a loud clap. Charles Lee, their teacher came into the classroom. "Alright! Quiet everyone!" He said. Alex sighed, sitting back in his chair, zoning out for a while. Lee was probably going to be talking the whole time and Alex could really care less about what he had to say.


Class was over and John was walking Alex back to his dorm room. John slid his hand around Alexander's waist, holding him close. Even if they are just friends now, they do still show affection towards each other. They stopped in front of Alex's room. "You sure you don't want me to stay with you?" John asked as Alex opened the door. "I'm sure John. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine." He said with a fake smile. John hesitated, "If you're sure." Alex nodded, "Bye." He closed the door behind him. "You didn't lock the door." Alex mumbled, sitting down at his desk. Thomas shrugged. "Whatever." Alex sighed and took out his laptop, working on another project.


"You didn't lock the door." Honestly. This is what Thomas had to deal with now. He shrugged. "Whatever." Thomas wasn't in the mood for Alexander's bullshit today, especially after earlier today. The light clicking sound of Alex's keyboard was all he could hear for the next hour or so. Thomas felt a sudden pain in his chest, he started coughing hard. Alexander looked up from the screen. "Thomas?" He got up, kneeling next to Thomas' desk. "Thomas are you alright?" There was concern in his voice. "Yeah I'm," he coughed again "I'm fine." Alexander shook his head. Why do I care if he's ok. I don't care. He stood up and sat back down at his desk. Thomas was coughing on and off constantly for the rest of the night.


Thomas and Alexander were kept up by Thomas' coughing. Thomas got out of bed and went to the bathroom. He rested his elbows on either side of the sink, holding his head in his hands. His throat, his chest, everything was in pain from coughing all night. He started coughing again. He stared down into the sink, his vision blurred. He could see red spots on the white of the sink. He blinked a bit to clear up his vision. He stared again. Blood. "Alexander." Thomas stuttered, leaning on the doorframe. "I think I need to go to the hospital." Alexander looked confused for a moment before snapping out of it. "Yeah. Umm... of course. I'll drive you there." Alex said unsurely. He and Thomas walked to Alexander's car, getting in. He drove as fast as the speed limit. Thomas sat in the passenger seat, still coughing up blood. Alex gave him a tissue so there wouldn't be blood everywhere. They parked and Alex helped Thomas inside. Thomas was taken in and Alex was shown to a waiting room. He texted James.

Chat with: Madison

a.ham: hey james. thomas in at the hospital with me. he's coughing up blood and it's pretty bad.

And not even thirty seconds after he sent that text James responded.

Madison: What?! Oh my god ok! I'm on my way now!

Alexander walked around the waiting room for a while. It was really early in the morning and there were only two or three people in the waiting room with him. He was too stressed to do anything.

James rushed into the waiting room, walking over to Alex, holding his shoulders tight. "Alexander. Where's Thomas." He said, hurried. "He was taken into another room. I'm sure he'll be fine." Alex said nervously. James teared up "He's ok... He has to be..." he stuttered. Alexander hugged James, whispering that Thomas would be fine, over and over even though he didn't entirely believe it himself. He'll be fine.

NOTE: Look! Another chapter! Also my phone's being weird and it's not letting be make certain things bold so just so you know the a.ham and Madison in the messaging should be in bold.

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