Chapter 9

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Christmas Eve day.

Alexander was to head to Virginia with Washington and Martha (Alexander's adopted mother, Washington's wife). Seeing as Alex had no family of his own he'd been spending Christmas with his adopted family. They were leaving in a few hours and Alexander, unorganized as usual, was just starting to pack. It was still quite early, 5:46 to be exact. Alex hadn't slept in a week. He was so tired. He honestly didn't want to go, he wanted to stay in his room for the rest of the break but Washington insisted he came.

Alex finished packing. He threw his bag over one shoulder and started towards the door. The door was pushed open suddenly.

"Alex..." Thomas was standing in the hallway. He looked to already be on the verge of tears. "Please talk to me..."

Alex pushed Thomas out of the way, locking the door behind himself. He walked down the hall at a quick pace. Thomas ran after him. He got in front of Alexander, holding his shoulders lightly.

"Alexander please just hear me out... Alex I love you so, so much. I don't want to lose you. I... I need you Alex. For the past, I don't know, four, five years, I've been having these sudden waves of depression or anxiety but, when you're here it's... it's alright.. Knowing that someone is here for me, that someone loves me...And I'm sorry alright. I'm so so sorry, I shouldn't have lashed out at you or yelled or..." At this point Thomas was crying, covering his face so Alex wouldn't see him.

Thomas felt Alex wrap his arms around Thomas. "I'm sorry too Thomas... I should've listened to you..." he whispered, holding Thomas close. "I love you..."

Thomas smiled, wiping the tears from his face. "I love you too..."

Alex looked up at Thomas. He stood up on his toes, kissing Thomas. He had wanted to do that for so long. He loved the feeling of kissing the man he loved so much he didn't want to stop. Thomas held Alex's hips, pulling his close. They stood there, in each others embrace for some time before Alex pulled away.

"I have to go..." Alex said softly, resting his head on Thomas' chest.

"What? Why?! Was it something I did?!" Thomas said, kinda panicking.

"No! No not at all." Alex chuckled. "I'm going to Virginia with Washington for Christmas... Actually, if you'd like to come I'm sure it'd be fine... Martha hasn't met you yet. I'm sure she'd love you! Well that is if you don't already have plans."

Thomas smiled. "I'd love to come. That is... if maybe Nina could come too?"

Alex nodded, softening."Of course she can. We can't go leaving her by herself on Christmas."


Thomas and Alex drove to the foster home.

"I'll go get her." Alex said quickly, getting out of the car.

Thomas sat in the car, playing on his phone. Alex was taking so long. Thomas tried calling him but he didn't pick up. It had been nearly an hour and Thomas was getting worried. He started to get out of the car, stopping when he saw Alexander and Nina walk out. Thomas walked around to them.

"Thomas, meet Nina..." Alex started.

Thomas smiled, confused. He knew Nina. Why did Alex need to introduce her...

"...Our daughter." Alex said, smiling.

"What... Wait actually?!" Thomas said, his smile growing. He hugged the both of them.

They got into the car, starting to drive. They were going to be driving for 8 hours now. About 2 hours in Nina fell asleep.

"Alex, why'd you adopt her..." Thomas asked.

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