Chapter 13ish...

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Ninas caretaker couldn't afford to treat her cancer and it's spreading... The doctors say it's too late to treat and she was going to pass away. She has less than a week now before she's gone...

Thomas is in denial. He's hasn't spoken since the doctor left. He kept himself locked away in the bedroom. Alex tried to get him out, telling him if Nina is going to die he should spend all the time he could with her. He didn't listen.

Eventually Alex gave up and went down to where Nina was seated on the couch. He sat, wrapping his arms around her. He planted a soft kiss on her head.

"Are you alright Nina..." he says softly.

"Yeah...." she looks up, tears streaming down her face. She smiles, "I can finally see mommy again..."


A day passed. Then two. Then three... Nina was dying... Rain tapped on the windows slowly, as if counting down the seconds till she is gone...

Thomas stayed beside her bed day in and out. He lightly touched her pale cheek, tearing up.

"Thomas..." Nina says quietly. "It's going to be okay..."

Her soft words bring Thomas to tears. He clutches her hand, crying into the covers.

Alex came into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed. He rubbed Thomas' back in an attempt to calm him.

There was a long silence. Suddenly, Nina started coughing harshly, squeezing Thomas' hand tighter.

"N-Nina?!" Thomas said in shock. "N-Nina please..."

"Thomas...Alex..." Nina smiled weakly. "Thank you...For everything... For giving me a family... For loving me when nobody else could... T-thank y-...." she trailed off, her eyes fluttering shut.

"Nina..." Thomas mutters, feeling her hand go limp in his own. He let out a heart wrenching scream, tears cascading down his face. "N-no.... Y-you can't go... C-come back... please...."

Alex hugs Thomas, doing his best to stay strong for him. "Thomas we should go..."

Thomas hesitantly nods, following Alex out of the room. He plants a soft kiss on her forehead before going.

They curl up in the bedroom, Thomas keeping his arms around Alex and crying into his shoulder.

Alex kissed his cheek lightly. "It's okay Thomas... She's in a better place now..."


They held a funeral a few days later.

Thomas spent hours picking white lilies and laying them around Nina's body, carefully placing each one. He didn't cry. The whole time he seemed to contain himself.

Once everyone had payed their respects they all seemed to leave.

Alex and Thomas stayed there long after everyone else. Thomas finally gave up, crying at the sight of his daughter's body.

"Something's missing..." Alex says quietly, taking something from his pocket and handing it to Thomas.

Her bunny...

With shaking hands Thomas set the bunny on her chest, kissing her forehead once again. "I love you Nina..." he said quietly.

This is a really short chapter I I know... I'm sorry 

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