Chapter 15

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Late in the afternoon Alex drives Thomas down to the hair salon, he goes in and they say they'll call him, Thomas says he thought it went well and so on (not in the mood to make this chapter even more underwhelming that the last). Once they were done there they drove down to Alex's workplace so he could clean out his cubicle. It was a complete mess... and by complete mess I mean papers... everywhere... You wouldn't even know there was a desk in there because of all the papers.

Alex and Thomas seem to be the only ones there, which makes sense seeing as it's the weekend.

"Hey Alex..." Thomas says quietly, tapping a small stack of papers on the desk to even them out. "Why did you get fired... sorry for asking, I'm just curious..."

"Because he's a lazy slut who doesn't get his work done." Someone says, walking by them and sitting at the cubicle beside Alexander's.

"Says you Adams..." Alex mumbles, slamming a drawer he had just finished emptying shut.

"You've been constantly skipping work for the past three years!! You deserve this honestly." John says, sitting back in his chair, still talking over the cubicle wall.

Alex stands up, walking over to Adams and practically throwing him out of his chair. "I'm sorry but are you the one who's partner got cancer?! Who almost got killed?! Who's daughter died?! Got any smart ass remarks for that you mother fu-" Thomas pulls Alex away from John. "Leave him alone... He's not worth your time..." Thomas says softly, helping John back up.

Alex grabbed the box from his cubicle and stormed out of the building, Thomas running after him.

"Alex! Wait!" Thomas heaved, stopping to catch his breath. This building is huge wtf...

Alex slams the box down in the back seat of the car. He looked back to see Thomas stumbling out of the doors. He sighed, going to help him to the car.

"I'm sorry..." he says, getting into the driver's seat and sitting back. "I shouldn't have done that..."

"No it's fine... I know how you feel about John..." Thomas says, staring down at his lap.

Alex stays quiet for a moment, starting to drive. "Wanna go out for lunch? It's kinda late now... more like dinner... Yeah. Like a dinner date. We haven't had one of those for awhile!" Alex says awkwardly.

Thomas smiles. "That sounds great."

They end up going to a small restaurant in a quieter part of the city. They sit at their table for a bit until Alex goes dead silent...

"What's wrong Alex..." Thomas says softly.

Alex held his hand to the side of his face, staring down at the table. "Reynolds..." he whispers.

Alexander starts tearing up, shaking. Thomas moved and sat beside him, keeping an arm around him. "It's okay... You're safe..."

It's quiet between them for the first while till James notices them sitting there... He smirks, walking over and pulls up a seat between Thomas and Alex, who is now holding his breath in fear.

James kisses Alex's cheek lightly, sliding his hand around the smaller mans waist. Alex whimpers softly, feeling something cool run along his side, under his shirt. "Long time no see Hamilton..." James says softly.

"G-get away from me..." Alex stutters.

"Not a chance." James says. "You had sex with my brother didn't you...Jack? You remember that don't you..." he kisses Alex who immediately pushes him away, causing him to fall backwards. He cusses under his breath.

Thomas takes Alex by the hand, leading him out of the restaurant. They walk a few blocks down and sit on a nearby bench.

Alex curled up beside Thomas, crying into his shirt.

I hate you (Thomas JeffersonXAlexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now