Chapter 8

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Thomas regularly visited Alexander at the hospital. Today was the day that Alex could come back to campus. But it was winter break and nobody was there.

Alexander and Thomas walked out of the hospital, holding hands. They got into Thomas' car and Thomas handed Alex a black blindfold.

"Put it on... trust me..." Thomas said.

Alex hesitated, then put the blindfold on. Thomas took Alex's hand in his so he would know he was safe.

The drive seemed much longer than what Alex remembered.

"Thomas where are you taking me." Alex asked.

"Shh... I told you to trust me." Thomas said, kissing Alex's hand.


Once they arrived, Thomas guided Alex out of the car. They walked for a bit before stopping. Thomas carefully removed the blindfold from Alexander's eyes. In front of them was a stunning building. Red brick walls, a white roof, tall windows, a beautiful garden.

"Welcome to Monticello." Thomas said, smiling.

"This place is amazing!" Alexander said, beaming. "You live here!?"

Thomas nodded. He walked Alex inside. Alex looked around in awe.


Thomas showed Alex around the house. They headed to the tea room once they were done, talking. There was a knock on the door and Thomas got up, telling Alex to stay there. He returned not long after.

"Alexander..." Thomas said nervously "meet Nina..."

The same girl whom Thomas had spoken to at the hospital came out from behind around the corner. She stood beside Thomas, clutching her rabbit to her chest. Alex gave her a kind smile. He got up and came over to them.

"Hey Nina." He said. "I'm Alexander and can I just say that you look absolutely beautiful."

Nina giggled, smiling brightly.

They spent the rest of the evening in the backyard, playing and talking. They ate dinner (macaroni of course. What do you expect, it's Thomas.) and Thomas put Nina to bed in the guest bedroom. He sat with Alex in their own room.

"Where'd you meet Nina... Why'd you bring her here..." Alex asked, looking down.

"I met her at the hospital. She's an orphan. I just... wanted you to meet her." Thomas said.

"She's an orphan."

Thomas nodded.

Alex stayed silent. An orphan.

"I wanted you to meet her because I was kind of hoping... if you're alright with it of course... That we could maybe adopt her?" Thomas smiled.

"Are we ready for that... I mean it's only been a few months since we started dating. Wouldn't adopting her be going too fast..."

"Too fast?" Thomas was trying not to get mad. "We have literally been to hell and back and we're still together. You think adopting Nina would be going too fast?"

"Look, Nina is an amazing kid. I'd love to have her as my daughter but we wouldn't be able to take care of her properly. We're both in school, having to go to the hospital regularly, neither of us have a well paying job. Then there's also the fact we've hated each other for the longest time. Who says we won't fight like that again? I'm sorry Thomas but we can't do it..."

"Yes we can! I graduated with honours with distinction from high school. I'll drop out of college. I'll get a good job." Thomas was on the verge of tears. He had grown to love Nina, like his own. He couldn't bare to think of her being sent to a home or adopted by some horrible couple.

"Thomas please calm down." Alex said, putting a hand on Thomas' back.

Thomas stood up. He grabbed the collar of Alex's shirt and raised his hand to hit him. Alex eyes welled with tears. Thomas realized what he had done. He brought his hand down, back to his side and let go of Alexander. He ran out of the room, leaving Alex by himself. Tears ran down Alexander's face. He held his head in his hands. Why. Alex texted John to come pick him up. The drive back to campus was silent as was the walk back to Alex and Thomas' dorm room. 'Thank you' was all Alexander said, before locking himself in the room. Thomas tried texting him but Alex refused to respond. Neither of them got very much sleep. Thomas was determined to make it up to Alexander. He came to campus a few days before Christmas.

He knocked on the door. "Alexander, darling, please talk to me. I am so so sorry for what happened. I got mad and overreacted. I'm sorry..."

"Go away..." Alex mumbled from the other side of the door. I hate you.

Note: It's done! (This chapter not the story) Sorry it took so long! Y'know how it is. School and homework and that bs. But it's done! Definitely didn't almost cry writing this....

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