Chapter 10

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Once the break was over Thomas returned to Monticello with Nina and Alex went back to school. Over the weekend either Alex would he to Monticello it Thomas and Nina would come to New York. It worked well enough. Thomas constantly complained that he didn't get to see Alex enough and Alex would tell him to get an apartment in New York and then he'd shut up till the next weekend.

One evening, a few days before Alexander's birthday, John dragged him out to drink with himself, Lafayette and Hercules.

Alex climbed into the Laffs car. Herc, John and Aaron were sitting in the back.

Alex smiled. "Well, if it isn't Aaron Burr, sir."

"I never asked for this..." Aaron muttered.

John put an arm around him. "Oh please. You love us."

Aaron moved John's arm off of him sighing. "Let's just get this over with..."

"Yes sir." Laff said, smiling, driving them to some random gay bar in the middle of New York.

They all climbed out of the car, going inside. Laff and Herc went off and did their own thing. John, Alex and Aaron found a table near the back. John soon left, leaving Alex alone with Aaron.

In an attempt to break the awkward silence between himself and Aaron, Alex said, "So...How's Theodosia?"

"She's fine." Aaron said, simply.

"Just fine?"

Aaron nodded.

Alex sighed. "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Maybe a bit." Aaron mumbled, frowning.


"You're pretty annoying for a start..."

Alex rolled his eyes, getting up, stumbling a bit. "I need to walk around..." he says, trudging away.

He meant to go find John. He was nowhere in sight. He walked around the outside of the bar. It seemed the quietest, well... as quiet as a bar gets.

After walking for a while he sat back down. Aaron seemed to have left. Or he was just going crazy. He sat beside a dark haired man. Alex couldn't quite make out what he really looked like.

"Hey." The guy slurred.

"Hello." Alex said back. He held out his hand. "Alexander."

"Jack." he said, taking Alex's hand, kissing it. "Can I buy you a drink?"

Alex shrugged. "Why not."

Jack smirked, motioning for the bartender to get them both another drink. They nodded getting the drinks for them and leaving.

"So, you from around here?" Jack asked.

Alex nodded. "Yeah, not too far actually. I go to the college a few blocks from here."

Jack nodded, sliding his arm around Alex's waist. He lightly kissed his neck. "Let's go then." he kissed Alex.

Without thinking Alex got up, taking Jack's hand in his and taking him back to his dorm room. As soon as they were in the room Jack slammed the door. He pushed Alex onto the bed, kissing him hungrily. Alex kissed him back without hesitation, threading his fingers through Jack's hair. Not once did the thought of Thomas coming the next morning pass through Alexander's mind. He didn't even realize he was doing this till he was partially sober again and even then he paid no mind to the fact that Thomas would find out..


Thomas and Nina left early the next morning, driving to the campus. The two walked up to the room. Thomas opened the door only to see Alex sleeping with another man. Thomas held Nina's hand, closing the door before she saw.

"Honey.. You're going to ge stay with Eliza for a bit ok.." He said.

"We're already here though. What's the matter?" Nina asked, looking up at him.

"Nothing's the matter. I just remembered that I needed to talk with Alex. Don't worry..."

Thomas took Nina down. Quickly telling Eliza the situation. She let Nina stay and Thomas made his way back to the dorm room. He slammed the door, waking both Alex and Jack. Thomas crossed his arms, glaring at Jack.

"Get the fuck out now..." he said coldly.

Jack practically jumped out of the bed, rushing to put his pants on as he ran out the door.

"As for you Alexander..." he looked back at Alex. "How long has this been going on..."

Alex's eyes welled with tears. "I-I'm sorry Thomas.. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing... p-please...."

"Save your excuses Hamilton. You know what, I wouldn't have cared as much it it was just you and I dating but you have a fucking daughter Hamilton. A daughter! Do you have any idea how much it's going to hurt her knowing this! She'll be heartbroken!" Thomas was shouting now.

A sudden heat flushed through Alexander's cheek. It took him a moment to realize that Thomas had hit him. Tears spilled down his face. "I-I'm sorry...."

Thomas grabbed Alexander's shoulders. "That's all you have to say for yourself! You slept with another man! What the hell is wrong with you!" He calmed himself down slightly. "Get yourself dressed.... Nina still wants to see you..." he mumbled, leaving Alex alone.

Alex got dressed, wiping the tears from his face. Thomas is never going to forgive me... I fucked up... he sighed, sitting back on the bed. He hates me now... he grabbed a pair of scissors from off his desk, rolling up one of his sleeves and ran it down his arm. 134... He cleaned up the cut and rolled the sleeve back down. He laid down on the bed closing his eyes. It was quiet...

I hate you (Thomas JeffersonXAlexander Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now