Chapter 14

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It's been three years since Ninas death. Alex has moved to a law school and Thomas still stays home, despite the fact the he could've came back.

It was usually quiet in the small apartment Alex and Thomas now called home. Pictures hung from the walls, pinned up on a piece of twine, a desk by the window which had been covered in Alexander's papers never got cleaned, dirty clothes filled the hamper in the corner, the old couch which was sat in front of a dusty television was tear stained for various reasons, the wooden door on one side of the room, opposing a short hallway which led to the bathroom and bedroom, creaked when it was opened and closed and the single light the hung from the room, flickered, on and off constantly due to never being properly changed.

Thomas talked with Abby lots. She was his only comfort at the time. He had lost contact with James (Madison) and Alex was never home because of school and work and such. He wouldn't get home till after midnight on weekdays and was only home for a few hours at a time on weekends, usually working.

Alex came home after work, putting his bag down and kicking off his uncomfortable dress shoes. Without changing he crawled into bed with Thomas, wrapping his arms around his waist.

Thomas opens his eyes slightly, woken by Alex getting into bed. He smiles slightly. "Hey darlin'."

Alex looked up. "Sorry... I didn't mean to wake you..."

"Don't worry about it... How was work?"

"I got fired...." Alex mutters into the covers.

"What? Why?"

"Because Adams is an ass... Can we not talk about this now... I'm really tired..."

Thomas sighs, "Fine..."

Thomas kisses Alex's forehead lightly, pulling him closer. Alex fell asleep easily, only from the stress from earlier. He was so tired. It was nice being there with Thomas.

Thomas, on the other hand, hadn't had a good sleep since Nina died. He knew he had to move on but he didn't know how. He loved Nina and now she's gone. I killed him...

Alex got up early the next morning. The time he'd usually get up for work. But he didn't have to go work anymore...

He sighed going into the kitchen, taking a small knife and running it down his arm. He makes a small sound, cutting too deep. He drops the knife, cussing louder than he meant too.

Thomas comes out of their room, the blanket wrapped around him, dragging on the floor. "Alex... What are you doing..." he mutters, turning on the light. His eyes are immediately drawn to the blood dripping down Alexander's arm. He walks over, hugging him. "Why..."

"I lost my job... I won't be able to stay in school... or pay the rent o-or pay for food... What is wrong with me..." Alex mutters, his voice shaky.

"There's nothing wrong with you Alex..." Thomas says, kissing Alex's forehead.

"Yes there is! I can't even keep my fucking job! A-and I'm cutting again because of it!" Alex yells, irritated.

Thomas stayed silent till Alex seemingly calmed down. "Better..." he says softly.

Alex nods, sighing.

"Good." Thomas says, sitting Alex on the couch and getting a cloth and some bandages for Alex's cuts.

Thomas cleaned up the cuts gently, being careful not to hurt Alex anymore. He bandaged the cut, kissing his hand lightly.

"Thank you Thomas..." Alex mutters.

"Please don't do that... ever again... Okay.."


"Y'know what.." Thomas says, "I'll go find a job."

"What? Y-you don't need to. I'm sure I can find another one." Alex protested.

"You need to focus on school. You get so stressed as it is. You don't need to be looking around for a job too."

There was silence between them for a while.

"If you're sure..." Alex finally said.


It had been nearly three weeks and Thomas hadn't found a job and he was getting insanely stressed about it. He managed to get a part time job at the café where Alex had worked thanks to Mimi (Alex had another job after working at the café. I should've cleared that up in the last chapter), but it didn't pay very well.

Thomas was sitting on the couch late that night, looking for job offerings on his phone. Alex was working on a paper at the moment so Thomas couldn't use their laptop.

Thomas slid his hand around Alex's waist, pulling him closer and kissed his head.

"Have you found anything yet?" Alex asks, his eyes not moving from the screen.

"Nothing that doesn't require a degree..." Thomas says, disappointed.

"What happened to mister 'I graduated with honors I can get a good job'" Alex asked, smiling slightly.

Thomas pushed him lightly "Shut up..."

"No. That's not a thing I can do." Alex says, taking Thomas' hand and kissing it lightly.

Thomas stayed quiet for a bit, smiling after a while. "How about a hair stylist?!" He says.

"Is that what you want to do..."

"I suppose so yeah. I mean I don't have any hair to do anymore so why not go do other people's hair?"

Alex smiles. "That sounds great actually."

"They're hiring in a couple places in the city if you don't mind driving me down there tomorrow..." Thomas says, kissing Alex's cheek.

Alex sighs. "Fine..."

"Thank you~" Thomas says, pulling Alex into his lap, kissing his neck lightly. "I love you..." he says softly.

"I love you too...."

*stressed out screeching* Boring chapter I know. I may take some time off of writing this story just bc it's getting kinda slow and it's definitely getting harder to get ideas and such... So bye for now I suppose...

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