Chapter 2

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'James? What's going on?' It's dark. Too dark to see. 'I don't know.' Warmth. It's ok. James is ok. 'I'm scared James.' Footsteps. 'I know.' They're getting closer. A light? No. A reflection. A knife. They're closer now. Too close. 'Run.' It's too close. It's getting louder. A scream...



Alex awoke, beads of sweat running down his face. Another nightmare. This was the third one this week. The brunette sat up, slipping on his glasses. He grabbed his phone, texting his older brother James.

Chat with: Jem

a.ham: hey jem. u awake?

Alex wait anxiously for a response. He paced back and forth across the room. Thomas had left for some class. Alex could really care less. If he was gone Alex wouldn't have to hear his bickering. The phone buzzed.

Jem: Hey Alex. I'm awake now. Y'know it's like 4 here...

a.ham: whoops! sorry jem! hows canada anyways?

Jem: It's alright. Not as cold as people say it is. Nobody says aboot either.

Jem: Anyways... Whats up?

a.ham: another nightmare...

Jem: Seriously? Again? You alright?

a.ham: yeah. just felt like you should know.

Jem: Alright. Thanks for telling me.

Alex stared at his phone for a while. Not knowing what to say. After a while he assumed that James had left. James was on a trip to Quebec for the next few months with his girlfriend. She is a photographer and they were traveling around so she could take pictures for a project. They were an adorable couple, which made Alex pretty jealous seeing as he's never been in a stable relationship like they are. Alex simply shrugged and headed out the door. He started his shift at the café on campus in half an hour and he liked to be early.


Alex arrived 15 minutes early, like usual. He pulled his hair back into a tight ponytail and pinned on his nametag. It seemed to be a fairly quiet day from what he had seen. "Hear early again Alex?" a familiar voice chimed. It was Mimi. She was in her sophomore like Alex was. Mimi had long dark hair and usually wore black or dark reds. "You know it." Alex said, smiling. Mimi shook her head. "Dork."


Thomas played with the keys in his pocket as he roamed around campus. His class had ended and he had nothing to do. His best (and pretty much only) friend James Madison had classes all day. He could always go see George (George Frederick King) but he wasn't really in the mood to hear him rambling on and on with his cheeky British accent for the next few hours. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a café sign. He shrugged. Why not. He walked into the café, taking a seat at one of the tables near the back. This café just so happened to be the one where Alexander was working. As Alex came out of the break room to start his shift he saw Thomas. The two locked eyes. Alex scowled and clenched his fist. Why is that asshole here. This is supposed to be my time away from him. Thomas looked away from Alex, taking out his phone to do something to get his mind off of the fact that Alexander was right there, staring at him...

NOTE: I am so sorry! This took way too long for me to publish! I'll try not to make you all wait so long next time! Also! I'd like to get some of your guy's ideas to incorporate into the story! Don't worry, I'll make sure I give you credit! BOI!

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