Chapter 11

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Nina came and visited with Alex for a while before Thomas decided it was time for them to go back home. Nina sat in the back quietly, playing with her bunny and staring out the window.

Thomas looked back. "You alright darlin'?"

There was a long silence. "Are you mad at Alex...." she asked.

Thomas sighed. "I am... You don't need to worry about it though ok? I'll.... talk to him later...."

"We should go back..." Nina said, still looking out the window.

"We're too far to go back now."

Nina stayed quiet for the rest of the ride, going straight up to her room as soon as they were home.

Thomas went to the living room, falling back onto the couch. He had managed to get Abbi to give him her number in case he needed help.

Thomas: Hey Abby. I kinda need your help.

He set his phone aside. Abby was most likely still teaching so she wouldn't respond for a while. He wandered around the house for a while, cleaning up a bit. He checked on Nina, who seemed to have fallen asleep. He came into her room, pulling a blanket over her small figure. He smiled slightly, leaving her be. He went back to his phone to see a text from Abbigail.

Abbi: What's the matter? I heard about what happened with Alex. Is everything ok?

Thomas quickly responded.

Thomas: Yeah everything's fine. Nina asked if I was mad at at Alex and I said yes and she's been quiet all day... I'm worried about her.

Abbi: Make up with Alex if you can. Try talking to her ok? Everything will turn out fine.

Thomas: Thanks darling.

Abbi: No problem. Talk to you later.

Thomas put his phone back down, going to his room. He fell asleep at his desk without noticing.


Nina got out of bed in the middle of the night, sneaking downstairs to where Thomas had left his phone. She picked it up, texting Alexander.

Thomas: Alex, please come home... I'm sorry...

"Nina?" She heard Thomas call. "Is that you darling?"

She quickly put the phone back. "Yeah..."

Thomas came downstairs. "What are you doing up so late?"

"I couldn't sleep..." she lied.

Thomas smiled, picking her up. He brought her back up to her room, laying her down.

"Want me to stay with you for a while?"

Nina nodded. Thomas hummed softly, sitting on the floor by Nina's side. Nina soon fell back asleep. Thomas left again, sitting in the bedroom, lying on the bed. Not being able to sleep.


Alex checked his phone, seeing the text from 'Thomas'. He wants me to come home now... bull shit... Why the hell would he want to see me again... He tossed his phone onto his bed. It was 2am already. Everyone is probably asleep. Alex went into their pantry, looking for coffee or something to keep him up. There was nothing though. He tried to think of something to do. Go down to the café? It's closed. Visit John? He's sleeping. Call Thomas?...I can't... But you need to... No I don't... If you don't he'll never forgive you... Shut up! His thoughts constantly went back and forth. Tears ran down his cheeks. He wiped them away roughly, though they wouldn't stop. I need to talk to Thomas... He dialled Thomas' number. Please pick up...

There was a click. "Hello..." Thomas' muffled voice rang in Alexander's ear.

"Thomas..." Alex mumbled.

"Hmm..." Thomas sounded so tired, which is expected.

"Thomas I'm so so sorry... I sorry this is so late but I'm so sorry... You have to believe me, this was all just a big misunderstanding..."

"No I understand perfectly well..." Thomas said, sounding quite mad now. "I don't want your apologies Hamilton..."

"Thomas please... I-I need you... I was so lonely... You're never here anymore. I need the feeling of you beside me. Your arms wrapped around me as we sleep. Your lips against mine before I leave for class o-or for work. Y-your fingers running through my hair as you do it in the mornings...I-I need you here with me Thomas... That's the only reason I had that guy here... I need you Thomas..." Alex's hands were shaking. Tears cascaded down his face. "I-I love you Thomas... so so much..."

There was a long silence. "I love you too..." is all Thomas said before hanging up.

Alex stared down at the phone. He hung up on me... He threw the phone at the wall, cracking it. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his legs to his chest.

He ended up crying himself to sleep on the floor. Thomas got a sitter for Nina and headed back to New York the next morning, his anxiety growing as he drew closer. Once he had arrived he went up to Alex's room, knocking lightly on the door.

"Alexander?" He called softly.

There was no response.

"Alex? Darling? It's Thomas."

It was still deadly silent.

He opened the door to see that Alex was nowhere to be seen. Thomas started to panic. He's gone...

Note: DONE! FRUKING DONE! *stresed out screeching*

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