Chapter 12

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The doctor busts through the door before anything else could happen.

"Mr.Laurens this is what I was trying to tell you. You see Mr.Hamilton is suffering from amnesia. He doesn't remember anything after his 10th birthday."

John sat there staring at his poor,poor Alexander then he realized. In Alex's mind he was still a girl.

"Alexander." John started

"Why do you keep calling me that my name is Harper-Anne." He stated.

John looked up at the doctor with tears in his eyes before running back to the group.
When he arrives in the waiting room the squad stands up the sisters had arrived slightly before. John bites his lip when Eliza asked how Alexander was doing. He began to cry.

"Alexander has amnesia." He explains as fears poor out of his eyes.

There were slight gasps from everyone when the doctor walked over to them.

"Alexander is free to leave you just need to fill out some paperwork."

Shortly afterwards they headed back to John and Alexander's dorm. When they arrive they see Thomas Jefferson sitting in front of the door. "You have some nerve coming here you know that? Thanks to you our poor Alexander has amnesia you bitch!" Peggy yells.

"Look I'm so sorry for trouble that I may have caused I just came over here to tell you that I'm sorry please just let me stay here for a while."

"NO WAY-" John begins before Alexander piped up from behind him.

"Hi umm I don't really know who you are but I think you can come stay with us if you would like." John tried to tell Alexander that it may not be a great idea to do that but he wouldn't listen.


Once the group makes it inside Thomas pulls Alexander aside.

"Look kid I know you don't remember me but I'm your boyfriend." Alex looks at him like he doesn't believe him at first.

"No you're not."

"Yes I am I promise." He tells him, "And you see that kid over there with the freckles and curly hair?"


"Well he's a bad person he wants to take you away from me." "Oh." Is all Alex managed to get out.

"And promised me that if he ever touches you you let me know ok."

"Ok!" He says cheerfully. "Thank you for keeping me safe." He says to Thomas as he hugs him. Thomas hugs him back with his signature smirk spread across his face.

A/N: Hello I'm finally back from the dead and I'm being burned alive anyore so HA! (If your confused just go look at the comments on the last few parts and you'll understand.) ANYWHOO be sure to check out my other book. It's just random shit I think about it was inspired by seabagel and daveeds-abs LOVE YOU GUYS. Until next time my lovelies good bye.

Laurens and me (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now