Chapter 21

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Peggy's P.O.V.
My idiot sisters finally picked me up from the mall. We rode home in silence. When me arrive we're all too lazy to get the bags out of the car. Here comes the hard part: Not getting caught by dad.

Angelica walks in first followed by Eliza and I. We make our way up the stairs only to be met by our pesky brother Philip.

"Where have you been?" He asks us. The three of us look at each other and nod before Angelica grabs Philip and pulls him into her room.

"Look squirt, you can't tell dad about this ok?" She gives him a warning look.

"And why shouldn't I?" Jeez, brothers are annoying.

"Because we're your three older sisters who you love very much." Eliza bats her eyes.

"Yeah good try." He replies with a roll of his eyes. Alright my turn.

"Look Philip, if you don't tell dad I'll... do your chores for a week."

"Two weeks." Boy, this kid is tough.

"Fine, two weeks." He nods and we shake hands.

After our little conversation the four of us head our separate ways and go to bed.

Alexander's P.O.V.
I've been typing on my old, beat up laptop all night. It's not like I'm typing about anything interesting, it's only my thoughts.

After a while I hear a knock at the door.
I walk over to the door and slowly open it to see who it was.

When I open the door I am greeted by Lafayette and Hercules holding what seems to be a very drunk John.

"We may have gotten a little carried away with the drinking." Lafayette says, with a guilty look on his face.

"Yeah so, just give him lots of water and prepare for a shit storm tomorrow." Hercules tells me. They drag John in and put him on the couch.

"Uhh guys I don't really know what to-" before I could finish what I was say Lafayette and Hercules were already gone. "Wow, thanks." I mumble.

I look over at John who was staring at me already.

"Hi." He smiles at me.

"Hey." I say awkwardly. We already know each other but it feels like he's a whole other person. I go to the kitchen and get him a bottle of water. I decided to just let him go to bed and not have to worry about taking care of him.

When I turn around he's no longer on the couch. "Fucking hell." I say under my breath. I walk around the dorm but I couldn't find him. As walked I heard a noise in the bathroom. I pushed open the door to see John hunched over the toilet, throwing up. After a little bit he stops. I help him stand up and help him clean up a little bit. I take him into our room so he can change into his pajamas. I tried to get his shirt off of him but he resisted.

"No!" He shouts.

"What's wrong? I'm trying to help you." He looks at me angrily.

"I have a boyfriend and I love him very very much." I was guessing that he couldn't recognize me due to his alcohol induced brain. I hide a small smile.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know that. I'll let you do it on your own."

"Thank you." I go to get dressed for bed myself while he gets ready.

When he was finished I gave some water and let him lay down. When he was in bed he went out like a light. I go to my own bed and lay restless. When ever this happened I'd normally type but I don't want to wake John. I turn on my side and close my eyes trying my best to go to sleep.


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