002: Kara

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The inner mountain river was loosely tunneled and quite bioluminescent. Water rushed and plunged ahead of her, not far to the swirl pool at the base of a connecting inflow cave. She surfaced carefully to avoid piercing herself on stalactites or breaking any fragile straws that might be forming above or near an overhang. Her breath came in short gasps, her eyes searching the darkness for further threats.

She was behind a waterfall, the cave high and cliff-like to her back, a screen of white lit water before her. She sensed no other sentience in the chamber nor any following her, and swam slowly, letting her frantic heart return to its natural beating following the four kills.

A natural ledge allowed her to drag herself to a semi-reclining position to examine the tears to her uniform. They would repair themselves if they weren't too damaged. She winced and bit her lips.

Kara ran a hand through the gritty sand, searching through the fine turf nearby. She squeezed her eyes shut, bringing to mind the possible shapes of the Talisman, as cooling meds tingled down her arms. Always searching, regardless of injury or battles.

Beneath two of the tears on her shoulder, deep cuts were being tended by the cold medicine pricks of her uniform. Kara winced, breathing shallowly, eyes still searching for any evidence of avens where others might enter or exit.

This grotto was moderately sized, with three obvious levels leading down thirty-foot stairs to the pool. Each level was aptly populated with lotica flowers. Above and below, the chamber was richly decorated with lovely speleothemus-- the cave formations earth people had once called stalactites and stalagmites. It was, all in all, a beautiful sight.

Her heart skittered to a painful half beat as she recalled the reason she was down in these lower Shadow Eater infested caverns to begin with. The beating lodged in her throat and as she rolled to her side, both hands rose to cover her eyes and mouth. She shuddered. Her eyes filled with tears.

Tears, Kara? She reprimanded her own weakness, then acknowledged the need for them. Yes, tears! I should be allowed to cry when the only friend I have ever truly had has been ripped from my side and taken to the most hated and feared place on this planet!

Deeply tucked inside the insulating walls of this living stone cavern, Kara pulled herself into a childishly anchored ball, knees brought up to her chest, arms secured tightly around them and fingers laced painfully. Her lips murmured against the tops of her knees: a name, a cherished and beloved name.

Jerrika! Jerrika!

Just yesterday on a routine search mission inside the Mountain, as she and Jerrika were returning, they were intercepted by two Minions who captured Jerrika and sent Kara, wounded, back to Galantyne for help.

Her team captain informed Galantyne of the loss of Jerrika, but as was their way, Kara would be expected to simply go on. Their mission was to save a planet of people, not just one.

Deeply searching her recollections of this event Kara rocked back and forth. No one returns from Auditorium, she reminded herself in frustrated anguish, at the same time realizing her deeply rebellious inner core. Why not? Why not???

All of Galantyne's trained searchers were forbidden to go near the outer exits of the mountain. There was too big a risk of capture and assimilation the closer one traveled to the surface. The reason no one from her search team would help her rescue Jerrika was because of this edict. It was forbidden upon penalty of being deported back to Aquaria or Carrigah.

Every searcher knew that to be captured by a Minion meant assimilation. And every searcher knew that to be assimilated meant losing one's own will. Life continued as a drone-like slave serving Quildor. Therefore, capture was the equivalent of a death sentence. Quildor did not negotiate. No searchers ever captured Minions so there would be no trading of hostages.

It was assumed that most humans living on the surface after having been raised in the undersea domes would quickly die from the toxic air of the planet. If one's kai meld was a sea creature, and most of them were, then land exposure could only be tolerated for a limited period-- perhaps a month, maybe a year. No one knew for sure, as no one ever came back to tell of it.

Well-trained, outwardly fearless and inwardly reckless enough to be convinced of her own immortality, Kara would not accept this fate for her best friend. She refused to face the thought that Jerrika, assimilated, would not know her. She had to believe that assimilation took time and that in an interim window she could be saved. It was the only thought she allowed herself.

Kara's team leader ordered her not to proceed with any rescue and threatened to inform command of her impulsive plan, foolhardy as it was-- and he believed her honorable and obedient enough to let it go.

After her initial shouts of panic, she'd settled into a more believable demeanor. He'd seen grief over the loss of a companion. Each searcher was of great value. For that reason he did not have her escorted to her chambers, nor did he think to place a guard.

And that was how Kara had slipped back inside the mountain, alone, and determined to plan Jerrika's rescue. It had to happen quickly.


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