087: Quildor

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Quildor gazed at the glorious angel before him, white hair glistening and braided, dark winged brows and pale moonlit skin looked silky as a baby's. Everyone around him had actually bowed to the ground, for what reason he couldn't fathom. She wasn't a Goddess, she was indigenous. He knew of her, had seen Ondrea change into her kind in the room more than once. Her silvery wings were folded behind her, and he knew with one powerful swoop she would take to flight.

"My lady." He bowed reverently, comparing her with each and every feature to his lady love, Ondrea Aquaria Taan.

"My name is Kahlest Valdemar, Premiere Harpyiae of The Aerie."

Quildor eyed her speculatively. Was she friend or foe? She hailed from Valdemar, his enemy. Ondrea had fled to Valdemar. Any who abetted her were harboring a fugitive and would be dealt with. He meant to subdue any such rebellion. Valdemar would pay for giving her refuge.

"I am Quildor Etrusia."

"I know who you are." Her voice rang out clearly as she saw many of the closer minions peering at her. She signaled the rest of the Aerie to light nearby, but not too close.

"Is the Aerie here to offer cessation of hostility terms? If so, be it known I will have Ondrea Aquaria Taan returned to me at once. She is a prisoner of war, and she belongs to me."

Kahlest cocked her head at him sharply, like a bird, and Quildor wondered how much of her was avian and how much human. "Will you join me in my tent to discuss this matter in private?"

Kahlest turned completely human, her wings disappearing before his eyes and to the astonished gasps of those closest to them. He allowed her to precede him down the foot path toward the center of camp. 

The Minions were still silent, but several of the Foemen had stood and were peering at this little tableau intently, keeping an eye on the sudden appearance of the giant flock of Harpyiae on the rise above them. Fontayne especially thought of the Harpyiae he had witnessed just days ago fighting to free Rion Etrusia from the whipping post. This one had a more birdlike appearance than the other one had, and was much calmer, less malevolent.

Fontayne walked up the rise, watching the nervous Harpyiae dancing uncomfortably on their talons. "What is your name?" He walked straight to the closest bird woman, noting her restless eyes, following her lady's departure uneasily.

"I am Sibeal Valdemar, Duumvir Harpyiae to the Aerie." Her voice was melodic in an agitated sort of way, he realized she was very young.

"I have no idea what those words mean, Sibeal, but I have met your kind once before. A bird woman tried to free Rion Etrusia. What do you know of that?" He leaned close to a large boulder Sibeal was conveniently keeping between herself and him. 

Even if he kept his distance and appeared to be conversational while awaiting the outcome of their leader's meeting, she didn't trust him, or those around him. He gave her a once over appraisal and she found herself wondering if he found her attractive, knowing Kahlest had been told the Aerie Harpyiae were the most beautiful in the land.

"I asked you a question maiden." He stated calmly but pushed off the boulder to stand cross-armed before her.

"I know nothing of Rion Etrusia." Sibeal answered truthfully.

"And the other Harpyiae?"

"There is no other Aerie that I am aware of. I know only of Ondrea Taan who fled Quildor's Prison."

"This woman had long auburn hair, golden and wild, her skin was pale and frosty, her eyes glowed darkly purple, and her body was supple, smaller than you... smaller than all of you."

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