021: Kara

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Kara scanned the assembled crowd of dignitaries there to celebrate the lunar perigee, a time when the full moons of Belion and Delicor were aligned and Garimon was eclipsed. It was a time of Great Harvest, as the normal algal bloom they depended on for all their sustenance was plentiful and close. It gave the dwellers in the undersea domes a reason to celebrate. Galantyne ensured she'd be here tonight with promises, such as there might be other ways to rescue Jerrika.

"My dear, you look stunning." Korlon tucked her arm close to his body.

"The dress was Jerrika's choice."

"I'm sure it was, nevertheless, it suits you very well." His hand deliberately caressed the naked skin at the back of her gown.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She snapped, jerking herself away. His eyes sparkled at her while his thumb kept up the small caress. "There is nothing wrong with my dress!"

"It is provocative."

"In what way is it provocative? If Jerrika were here she would be wearing its twin."

"Did it expose so much skin?"

Kara shrugged her shoulders in annoyance. "It is comparable to the fashion I see floating around here. You are far too interested in it."

"You should allow Jerrika to choose your wardrobe more often."

Kara's hand rose to cover her mouth. Korlon instantly regretted his words, meant to convey a completely different meaning than the one she took. He brought her fingers to his lips, holding her eyes steadily. "Accept my apology, my words were careless, Kara."

Her eyes filled with tears, and she discreetly dashed them away, searching inside for that warm strength she'd felt on the stairs. To her relief, the feeling came. It took the throat-clogging pain away so she wouldn't disgrace herself by crying at this public function. She must get through this so she could be there to urge them all to mount Jerrika's rescue.

Korlon changed the subject. "Had you noticed Belakane has made a rare appearance? She brought her adopted sons, Princes Evian and Tylar, with whom she hopes to propose an alliance with you."

Kara strained to see them over the gathering of the receiving line.

Her eyes sought Galantyne's. He stood next to their father, and in that moment a welling of emotion threatened to choke her again. She let her fingers ride softly beneath her eyes to swipe at the dripping emotions. Galantyne, her dear, beloved brother! Gone were the angry rebellious thoughts from their earlier encounter. Kara gave Feniece the obligatory pat on the shoulder, moved in for a hug from Galantyne, and then stepped to her Father. There was something in the way he gathered her in. She knew in her heart he would help her!


She didn't see his arms rise to enfold her in his embrace, she only felt the warmth of his touch as he pulled her close to his breast. "Kara!"

A feminine throat clearing brought them back to the present, as Taan's wife, Lynette reminded them of who and where they were.

"We will speak privately." Taan nodded. Kara reached for Korlon's hand at her side, knowing he would never leave her when she was this emotional.

He whispered discreetly. "You are exhausted."

Korlon procured goblets as they made their way to a table, thankful that seating arrangements weren't pre-assigned. Galantyne's banquets were never as formal as in Aquaria.

He found an empty table and held Kara's chair for her. As soon as they sat, he lifted his drink to salute her and then eyed the two young Princes across the room. "There they are."

The Cleansing  (Book One: The Folara Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now