041: Kara and Rion

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Kara opened her eyes and light filtered into them from above. Her body was less tightly bound and she identified the sway of the hammock she lay in. Green and grayish movement blurred above, and sounds of air and water, as if she were in a park in Aquaria, or in a grove of trees on Carrigah. 

There was coolness to the air that she'd never experienced before, and she turned her eyes as far to one side as she could, discovering a large round spear headed piece of glass, rising out of the ground near the tree where her hammock was held. Its emerald color was so intense it literally hurt her eyes and she squeezed them shut. She'd never seen anything so brilliantly reflective. She wasn't inside the mountain, and she wasn't in a park on Aquaria.

Her healer always knew right when she became conscious. She never had long to wait to feel his tampering in her mind. She knew the laws of Galantyne's healers gave him the right to immobilize her and direct her healing in any manner he saw fit, but she had the right to deny his tampering.

"It is dawn, Kara." His voice in her mind reminded her of an urgent sense of hatred and survival. Where had she heard that voice before, or felt those feelings? Her mind told her she had been injured and to trust her healer, her senses told her she was in danger.


"We are in the crystal field that surrounds the mountain. That is why I have you bound in a hammock. You won't understand yet about crystals, but they protect the mountain. Any movement draws them forth to spear or stab, burn or cut the unwary. Only a trained warrior can traverse the crystal field."

"Korlon was going to teach me the ways of surviving the crystal field." She croaked. She couldn't be literally outside the mountain, she must have misunderstood the healer.

"Korlon, the son of Archer of Valdemar? I have heard of him." She'd heard that tone before, and her heart beat frantically until realization forced her to accept it.

"You are not a healer!" She cried, opening her eyes against the mighty glare.

"I am most definitely your healer, little one." The stillness broke with her total recall. "Kara." He said her name and Kara threw up the image in her mind of a shield that he could never traverse.

She struggled against her bindings, longing with all her inner might to break free, and was frustrated by her inability.

"I will melt your shield one of these days, Kara." Rion came within her line of sight and try as she might to keep her eyes closed, her pride wouldn't allow it. Her eyes met his, and for a split second, she saw deep blue before she forced them shut. She had to relieve herself, she thought ironically, but she'd be damned if she'd let him know that.

Shockingly warm fingers pried beneath her bandages, tickling down her back, and up around her neck. Fresh heat scoured her face. His exploration ended abruptly. "You will walk today." Kara shivered. She recognized the feel of his hands on her skin. Her enemy's hands.

If she could walk she could get away. With a lurch, the foot of the hammock swung free to dangle in midair three inches above the ground. Rion's face loomed in front of hers. Kara opened her eyes but the effort cost her. She had to relieve herself; she had held it for too....

Her eyes flew open in shock as warmth flooded her legs.

Rion glanced downward and then back at her mortified face. He watched the progress of hot blood as it swiftly penetrated her neck and cheeks. His laugh was a big booming sound, one she had never heard before, but one that made her feel like she was two inches tall. His laugh was too loud, the air around her too loud as well. Kara brought her free palm to her ear and cringed. This place! It was too loud!

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