068: Rion

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Rion's heart soared with his gratitude that she was safe. His lips molded to hers and his tears wet her face. Kara wiped his cheeks with her thumb, and smiled against his mouth. "I want to say words I've never said before." He told her. 

She nodded encouragingly and he mouthed the words without saying them. So she mouthed them back. It was clear to read her lips when she said, "I love you." 

He spread his cloak and then eased her to the ground. He fingered her throat familiarly, looking for signs of her blade wound. Kara's hand joined his. I believe it is healed completely.

He peered into the darkness to see for himself, his hands feeling her skin meticulously. "You lost so much blood. It is why you are so weak."

Kara nodded, savoring the time spent, knowing everything was safe, and everything had changed. Do you remember when we once spoke about men's and women's roles?

About their values in each of our societies? Yes, of course. He held her to his chest, kissing the top of her head as he stroked her hair and ear and cheek.

I said then that I never intended to marry so that my loyalties would never be divided.

I recall those words.

Kara took a deep shuddering breath. Then here and now, Foeman, I am taking them back.

He leaned her back to look into her eyes which were dark pools in the dusky stillness. You take them back?

Yes. I have found someone I would be with above all other loyalties.

Rion's mouth opened in surprise. He dropped his hand to cover both of hers in her lap. "Kara...."

She nodded, her eyes sparkling intently.

"It isn't just because I saved you in the mountain."

She smiled softly and squeezed his hand, adjusting her rump more comfortably on his lap. There is that.

His indrawn breath was surprised.

I am grateful that you saved me inside the mountain. I would have died if you had not. But-- I have come to know you, and I feel...  Here her mind voice hesitated and his eyes rose to verify the thoughts he felt behind them.

"We already said the words." He agreed, letting his gaze fall to her hands entwined with his. "But for us to be perfectly honest, there must be an oath."

She was nodding quickly and her smile was tremulous.

"I agree." He bit his lip forcefully. "There must be a pledge."

In my culture...

"Yes, but we are now in my culture."

You led me to believe our cultures were compatible on this issue.

"I read that correctly, yes. But in my culture when a couple chooses to wed, they need witnesses. If they do not have them, their union could be challenged."

Kara stared over his head at the hillside and shrubbery behind him. Sounds of the nearby camp permeated their bower. In my culture, the King would give his permission, and a ceremony would be held, assuring witnesses--- yes.

He lifted her chin with two fingers. "I know of two..."

She shook her head in fear.

"Trust me, na'shilean."

I do, Rion. But right here, right now...

Rion's face had turned to the west. They were very close to where he had left Jayce and Terryn. Kara searched his features, the intent way he focused, and the tiny shard of awareness when he unconsciously used her strength as well. Her eyes closed.

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