080: Galantyne

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Galantyne kissed his wife and each of the five remaining children, holding the baby a little longer. "It won't be but a day, my love." He held her face to his cheek. "Be ready."

Feniece shook her head adamantly, her terror at the thought of leaving her home fresh in her mind. It was completely out of the question for her children. She wouldn't do it! They were safe where they were.

It wouldn't do for Galantyne to suspect that she wasn't coming. He could breathe the toxic air and survive! She and the children could not! She didn't care what Kara said about the planet being healed soon. She didn't believe her! No one did.

Feniece knew that Kara had been taken by a Foeman, that she actually carried his child, and that she had found the Talisman. Feniece was sure, as were all her family and friends, that Kara's fanaticism had unhinged her.

Galantyne turned and looked at Kara as if reading Feniece's mind, and she was sure sometimes he could. His facial hair had all been shaved, and his eyes were piercing beneath the darkness of their covering. Anyone who saw him would do well to run for their lives.

General Wendar tipped his head, he was staying to supervise the evacuation of the fortress.

"Kara." Galantyne strode to the front of the list of men, eyeing each one as fiercely as he could. "If it weren't for Talisman, I wouldn't be allowing you to take part in this engagement."

"As if you could stop me."

"Each of you." He turned to his chief soldiers. "Take a contingent to the upper exits. Josh, your unit will be marching the main tunnel to the entrance. Kara has assured us Quildor's army has gone, but there might still be guards. You know what to do. Regroup in three hours at the trail head to Valdemar. Clear out everything and everyone in front of you."

"Men! We are not coming back! This fortress will be taken by the refugees from Aquaria. Your families will be brought to you in Quildor's village. We will secure the village tonight and take over the coastal villages by eventide."

"Galantyne... what about affects from the air?"

"Kara has assured me that Talisman will take care of that. All men infected with kai will report to the shore at dawn. Good luck, men. Don't let me down."

He would have taken Kara's arm, but she refused to present it, as she had denounced the throne to him privately. Her fingers were slim and freezing, and the strangely flowing metallic gown she wore had sleeves that covered their union as well, so rather than grip her like a brother might, he released his hold just enough to lace her fingers with his.


"Kara!" She felt like Talisman would bound up to her, licking her face with his long forked tongue  if she didn't hurry and get into the darkness. She held up one slender hand so that the officers would halt their men.

"Talisman, I have amassed the army of Galantyne as you requested. What shall I tell them?"

"Kara? Aren't you glad to see me? I sense only anxiety." As they walked into the darkened tunnel, her eyes began to adjust to the luminescence from the living walls of the mountain and her ears to the constant rushing of the crystal frequency.

"I – I am glad to hear you Talisman, very glad." And she tried to let him feel her pleasure, but it was so short lived and so buried he was disappointed, and she sensed that he was. "I have an untrained and unproven army at my back, Talisman. I am understandably nervous!"

"You have no reason to be nervous, Kara. I am here. I am Talisman. Tell them to stay where they are, their orders are sound." She turned to Galantyne to tell him this, but he nodded, having heard every word of the exchange, he yelled it back to Josh and Splinchal.

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