037: Korlon

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Korlon twisted the ring he wore on his left middle finger, a reminder of his obligation to his people. He was Valdemarian, and he kept the secrets of Valdemar even from his underwater allies. They were too precious to disclose yet. Absently, he began to twist an unseen ring on the opposite finger. A ring that would magically appear when he was needed, a ring that Kara could use to call him from anywhere on the planet, anywhere except one place. Inside Sentinel.

His searches in the local villages had proven futile. All leads were insubstantial, no one had seen a searcher girl outside of the mountain. With good reason-- they couldn't survive outside the mountain. 

Bile rose in Korlon's throat as he thought of Kara and Jerrika both in Quildor's grasp. If that were truly the case, war was imminent. And war meant death and destruction. As the wind picked up and blew more stink from the village, he felt another strange emotion come over him: anticipation. The day when Taan's people would have to face their true predicament was upon them. They could no longer live below the sea, they would have to come out and fight for their right to survive.

A rushing of giant wings startled the horse, and Korlon used his knees to keep the beast under control as three Harpyiae appeared before him. As they settled on the grassy hilltop nearby, he felt his heart soar with admiration. How could a Valdemarian man not revere these winged Adaptees of nature? There was nothing more beautiful to him except perhaps the ungraceful energy of his ward as she transformed in exuberance and eager zeal to show off her abilities for him, not knowing that he saw the same almost every day of his life. 

 He recognized Kahlest, Premiere Harpyiae of Valdemar, and two of her Arial Duumvir, both recognizable by their golden wings. The power of the Harpyiae was in its infancy and was finding its niche in society, another reason why Kahlest was desperate to rescue the Harpyiae they'd discovered inside Quildor's castle. Kahlest was young and inexperienced, admittedly so. The Aquarian Council of Ladies was the closest thing she could get to understanding the purpose of her Aerie, and the one who resided in the castle had been one of those Ladies.

Kahlest bowed her fair head in his direction. "Korlon." Her face was lined with the etchings of responsibility.

"It is good to see you, Kahlest." He dismounted, to show her respect.

Her eyes were weary. "These are my magistrates, Aerial Duumvir Casidhe and Aerial Duumvir Sibeal." She was extremely formal, and he was amused. His eyes ranged over the two Duumvir, which meant magistrate in his language and recognized their youth. Kahlest was in her twenties, but Casidhe and Sibeal were much younger. 

Korlon let his eyes fall on Kahlest's darkly shadowed visage. She did seem weary. "I didn't expect to see you this day, Madam."

Kahlest took a step toward him. "Korlon." 

Korlon reached for her hands as they rose softly to touch him. That look in her eye was excruciating to him. "Is something wrong Kahlest?" He addressed her less formally, more as the friends they had been in childhood. The Harpyiae of Valdemar often came as messengers. Korlon immediately thought the worst.

"I have made contact with two of the Foemen of Quildor's Quarso to try and free the Harpyiae he is holding."

Korlon was startled. "You did this with the Council's approval, Kahlest?" he asked, bewildered as to why she would willingly communicate with known enemies at all, and relieved that her news wasn't something dearer to his heart such as a death in his family. Contact with a Foeman was unfathomable. 

"The Aerie has declared independence of the Council, Korlon. We are separate now. Our home is still Valdemar, but the council has recognized us as a new adapted species."

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