025: Council

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025: Council

Archer paced around the room, glancing up as Belakane entered in magnificent array, robes flying behind her like a fan was permanently under her legs. He noted with interest that her hair, reddish brown and streaked with dazzling white was up, an indication that as per her status she had retired from the Council of Ladies. A practicing Lady of the Council would have her hair down. As the ruler of another realm, he might have bowed to her, as the long-time associates they were, he didn't even nod. In his mind, she had changed, and not for the better.

Dmitri followed her, somber and cordial, his gray hair the same aging pallor as his skin. Underwater life did not agree with him, a subject of Valdemar. It was another reason Archer filed away for not staying below too long. Adaptees were not meant to live without sunlight, moonlight, and fresh air. Dmitri's eyes met Archer's and he raised his hand in a Valdemarian token of respect. Archer returned the salute only given by members of the First Family of Valdemar and descendants. Dmitri was Archer's first cousin. Their parents were siblings and among those of the first born on the planet's surface.

They circled the massive table set in the center of what was a replica of a council room on Aquaria. The table was made of wood and was old, taken from the original ships that had brought the colonizers from earth. Dmitri glanced with approval at his son, Evian, who graced the table for the first time, as did Galantyne's oldest son, Lailoken.

On the walls were painted portraits of earlier dignitaries, looking down their optimistic noses at the plights of their descendants who had faced near ruin upon arrival on Folara. There was even a portrait of earth as a reminder of what they had left behind and why.

"Please be seated." Galantyne said, not deferring to his father. "I will get right to the point. A lady warrior has been lost inside the mountain. Jerrika Taan."

Belakane's face broke into a confused sneer. "And this is my problem? Why are you allowing ladies inside the mountain, Galantyne? Surely you know the dangers! Why would you allow a lady to train as a warrior?"

Taan's short clipped laugh was almost a cough. "Drastic measures sister."

"Are you referring to my own forced warrior days, Taan?" Belakane slammed her palm down on the table. "Those were drastic days and did require drastic measures. Our lives were at stake, our realms were at stake."

Taan would have refuted but Archer spoke first. "You did what needed to be done to protect the realms you cared for, and because of you the tri-realms were saved from sure destruction. However, because of your Grandmother and the former Council Ladies our system has been compromised by the existence of a Talisman and limited time in our homes. I believe this does deserve a similar amount of concern."

Belakane slammed her palm again, pointing a finger into Archer's face. "How dare you compare...."

Taan jumped to his feet. "Belakane!"

Galantyne had risen, but not in hot-headed anger at his elders. "Be seated." He warned in a low voice, "Or I will have you removed." His eyes pierced Belakane and she made a screeching noise deep in her throat, but returned to her seated position. It was obvious she wasn't prepared to accept Galantyne's authority. "Your grandsires also gave these protocols for royalty that never existed among our forbears until their time. It was voted upon, thereby instigating a royal bloodline. I am not sure this outcome, this rivalry was what our forebears sought to ensure. I for one, no longer wish to be considered royal."

Evian's eyes widened, and he glanced at Lailoken to see if he too had caught the implication of those words.

"No longer wish to be considered?" Belakane's brows rose. Galantyne had looked away from her, moving on, but she wasn't about to be ignored. "Do you hear that Taan? Your son no longer wishes---"

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