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The walk home, roughly takes anywhere from two to three hours depending on how fast you want to get there. I personally drag it out as long as I can while still traveling in that direction. Staring down at my feet while i walk, taking into the details of my current outfit. Tight, light blue worn denim jeans, tucked into black and white ragged converse high tops, the once white portions now taken up by messy drawings and shapes the soles warn down little to no traction left on them. A single patch neatly sown onto the right thigh of my jeans, black background with a neatly white painted on Judas Priest logo, British Steel to be exact. My worn black hoodie covering my plain white no sleeve T-Shirt, sleeves rolled down, partly zipped up to the middle of my stomach. My hood laying lazily on my head, nearly slipping off. Running a hand through my hair, pushing the hood back my hair laying messy on my head after retracting my hand, lightly scratching the back of my undercut before placing my hand back into my right jean pocket, lightly wrapping my and around the metal object resting in my pocket. Not living in the best part of town you get used to carrying, at least, something, with you for a level of protection. Trying to take deep breathes while walking, no one around me but feeling like there is multiple eyes on me, gripping the metallic object in my pocket tightly while talking calmly, hearing rustling in the bushes causing my head to snap to my right, watching the bushes before looking to the ground, a small rat scurrying away from sight. Calm down. You're fine

But are you really fine? I mean, wouldn't you just love for someone to come at you, it would give you a excuse to hurt someone. isn't that what you want?

"Why would i want that."

Because you're bored. I'm bored. We're bored.

Shaking my head clear, glaring ahead of me. watching two Silhouettes appear in the distance. They weren't there a second ago. 


"Shut it."   growling it out loud before cursing to myself while walking closer, glancing around, walking on a back path, the long route to the house. Mentally groaning but keeping silent. My music not being able to fully drown out heavy yet slow boot steps. 

Closer. Closer. Closer.    

Shutting my eyes slowly as I pass the two figures, listening as their steps get farther and farther from me, glancing over my shoulder, the figures walking around the bend in the path out of my sight. Letting out a shallow breathe. Feeling a buzzing in my pocket, slowly taking out my phone, the bright screen lightly up feeling like i could have been blinding if it was any darker outside. Lazily putting my password in bringing up the notification,

New message: Izzy  

                   "How did you meeting at the Clinic go? You didn't hurt anyone this time did you. "

Not bothering to reply sliding the phone back into my pocket. Continuing on walking to the house, the path opening to a clearing, followed by the starting of Streets, the path bringing to directly to a small mall. A small Movie theater to the left of the complex, the small consisting of a dozen or so different stores including a Food market, Bank and even a small pet store. Thinking to myself if i wanted to talk a gaze at the cats before heading back to the house, realizing the mall was currently closing, choosing against it. walking around the complex, it nearly taking a few minutes before walking up the sidewalk of the main street, a small gas station on my right, a little ways up a middle school, then a block of houses. walking slowly, I still need to get my things from inside the house. Cursing to myself. I Don't want to deal- my eyes narrowing slightly, walking up to the house was a single backpack, walking quietly, taking it in hand, slinging it over my shoulder, crossing over the other side of the street before opening it inspecting what was inside pulling out a note sitting on top of a hoodie.

"This is all the things i happen to find the room i provided you. nothing more, nothing less." 

Crumbling the paper in my hand before making a attempt at throwing it but stopping seeing a reasonable sized rock near the road, a smirk slowly creeping on my face. shoving the note in my pocket before going through the rest of the pack. Some extra clothing, phone charger and my school binder. Checking the hidden pocket in the back, finding the extra pack of smokes and some weed I had stashed there. Zipping up the pack, slinging it over both shoulders. Walking over to the side of the road picking up the rock tossing it up once for it to fall back into my hand, It was dark now, dark enough that being in almost all black besides the jeans i shouldn't be noticed, walking a little closer to the house before noticing the car in the drive way. Ashley. Rather then throwing the rock into the top window where i knew he was going to be sleeping, i simply dropped the rock, sliding out the metal object from my pocket, a flat black, steel Six Inch fordable pocket knife.

Doesn't matter how big it is, but how you use it.  

Laughing to myself silently, taking my time to quietly walk around her car, to each tire, stabbing the knife into the rubbing dragging it along making a long gash as air poured out of the tire. Folding the Knife back up sliding it back in my pocket, looking around for something else before my eyes settling on the painting equipment left out by the garage, paint cans and spray paint carelessly left out for anything to, Use. Walking over, picking up a can with a red cap on it, glancing up at the windows. 

They are all closed. Let us have fun with this one will you, pleeease????

The voice in my head begging me, a small yet, creepy smile slowly showing on my face, feeling it in my cheeks. Have at it

~~~~Time Skip Ten Minutes~~~~

Stepping back talking a look at the silver 2015 Nissan Altima, low to the ground, tires slashed, bold letters on the hood, smirking at the work reading each word. "Whore" in red written on the hood. "Curb walker" written in bold on the drivers side. Glancing up at the window, no lights on still. tossing the can up flipping it before catching it once again, walking away twirling the spray can in my hand, already feeling a little better about the whole thing. Reaching back, unzipping the pack enough to fit the can inside then zipping it back up, sliding my phone out of my pocket scrolling through my contacts. sighing but settling on one. Hanji, clicking call holding it up to my ear listening to it wring, one the fourth a very tired a sleepy voice responded.

"L-levi?" hearing a yawn "What can i do ya for shorty?" when i was silent feeling how they were slowly starting to understand the situation 

"I told him"

"My couch is open for you, you know that. How far off are you? do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, no, I'll walk, I'm not far away. roughly thirty minutes. Are you sure its alright if i come over?"

"Parents are gone for the next few weeks so, I'm open to company! I'll be up waiting for you" Feeling their smile through the phone.

"See you then, oh and Hanji?"


"Thank you"

"OMG DID YOU JUS-" quickly ending the call before listening to any of their screaming. looking down to my feet before starting to walk, this time to a home i knew i was welcome. At least, or now anyway. 

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now