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Slowly opening my eyes, feeling a heavy weight on my chest. The small amount of sunlight allowed through the black curtains lightly up the room softly, taking to take a deep yet shaking breath, noticing the sickly feeling in my chest, weakly resting a hand on my chest, my heart beat slow and irregular, glancing at my door slightly ajar, rolling slowly onto my side, draping my legs over the side of the futon finding my footing before slowly standing up feeling myself tilting forward gripping onto the corner of my study desk. Glancing at the distance between myself and my doorway concentrating on placing each foot firmly ahead of me placing a hand against the door frame to support myself.

Somethings wrong

You sound concerned.

Swallowing roughly my throat dry and scratchy, opening the door slowly using the walls to support my weight making my way over to the stairs. 

"H-Hanji.." weakly calling out, nearly choking on my words, standing still for a second before slowly making my way to the first step glaring up the stairs like the stairway to heaven, intimidating, 

"H-Hanji" calling out louder my voice still faint, hearing light footsteps coming closer to the stairs, seeing a figure peak around the top doorway. 

"Yeah? you alr-"

"S..somethings, wrong" feeling my weight tilt backwards falling back with a light thud, staring weakly at the ceiling 

"Levi!" hearing them call out among rapid foot steps, trying to concentrate on the figure hovering above me, fingers pressed against my neck closing my eyes before being shaken lightly

"You keep your eyes open, you got me?!" staring at them through half closed eyes then at the cell phone in their hands ringing before putting it on speaker laying it beside them.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I-I need a ambulance, my brother has fallen, his pulse is weak and he can't keep his eyes open, m-my address is 546 Horler ave"

"We have a ambulance on its way now. What's his name, does he have any previous medical history?"

"H-his name is Levi Rivaille, He had a blood infection last year and was in the hospital for three months, he has haphephobia he also has hypoglycemia"

"Did he take anything? or do anything out of normal?"

"N-no! he just woke up! when will they be here!"

"Sir they are on their way I'll need you to remain calm, can he communicate?"

"L-levi, can you hear me? can you say something?" opening my mouth feeling the pain in my throat unable to form any words, swallowing before staring up at the ceiling, my eyes feeling heavier then before my vision going black, followed by my hearing, being able to only hear a muffled voice calling out to me panicked before passing out. 

~~Time Skip~~

Beep, beep, beep 

You alive in there.

What happened 

You passed out..

You sound concerned 

I am you Levi, you're scared

Of what 


I'm, Dying?. 

Taking a deep breath, snapping my eyes open greeted with a stark white ceiling, weakly glancing around at pale blue curtains, a room filled with medical equipment and cabinets with glass showing the assorted contents, tilting my head down staring helplessly at my arms, a IV drip in the crease of my left elbow, a blood pressure cuff wrapped loosely around my left arm above my elbow a soft pressure on my right index finger, weakly lifting my finger, one of those clips on it to monitor a pulse. Feeling the slight cold against my shoulders, noticing I was shirtless, my eyes widening. Shirtless. Feeling the slight panic coming on the heart monitor beeping increasing in speed causing a alarm to go off, two doctors plus a worried Hanji rushing in moving the curtains out of their way falling flawlessly behind them, they were the first to speak, the other doctors and I assume is a nurse checking on the monitor writing down on a clip board my current heart rate. 

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now