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My body jolting up straight, a sharp pain in my back causing me to wince my eyes quickly focusing on the staircase in front of me, nervously glancing around at the abandoned surroundings. Slowly getting to my feet, brushing off the dust from my jeans, making my way out of the building noticing how dark it had gotten. Pulling out my phone, glancing at the clock and the cold air hit my face. 6:45pm. Shaking my head clear, starting to walk back in the direction of the house. How did I lose over five hours.

You passed out.
No shit, but for over five hours?
Looks like it. It'll be a long walk back.

Groaning inwardly, a buzzing in my pocket pulling me out of my own thoughts. Pulling the phone out of my pocket not noticing how many notifications I had when I checked the time. 4 calls from Hanji, 5 from Lexi. 5 from Mikasa. 7 calls and 6 texts from Eren, shoving the phone back into my pocket continuing to walk.

~~Time skip 35 minutes~~

Nearly placing the key into the front door lock, a loud and relived sounding voice erupted from behind me.

"Levi!" Glancing over my shoulder, the wide, and worried green eyes looking into mine. He seemed to be panting slightly, like he'd been running.
"W-where have you been! W-we've all been looking for you."

"Why." Replying coldly to him.

"Lexi, said you had been gone since 10am this morning. No one could get a hold of you, we even contacted Him, and said you weren't with Him because you canceled." Catching on to the emphasis oh "Him".

Placing the key in the lock, before opening the door. Stepping inside closing the door in his face, locking it afterwards. Walking slowly down the small hallway to the living room, hearing the quick and rapid shuffling of footsteps coming from the kitchen and the living room. Seeing Hanji and Lexi, with worried then greatly relived expressions, neither of them spoke, almost having a understanding to just, leave me alone. Muttering softly while walking downstairs.

"Sorry for being out, so late"

~~Time skip 11:00pm~~

Staring holes into my ceiling, listening to the lyrics of each song that passed time. The purple glow of the black lights easy on my eyes, my body feeling tired but not my mind. I uncrossing my legs and stretching slightly, feeling my lower back crack as my hips left the bed slightly before settling back down, my right leg crossed over my left with my head resting on my hands behind my head. Yawning slightly, before closing my eyes.

'Break the skin,
'cause I can't tell where your body ends and mine begins...
Tear the flesh,
I woke today feeling like some kind of masochist...

You manifest,
you bring things to be,
yeah, your mojo witchcraft, honey, it's working on me,

I must confess,
pull, beg, and plead,
that I need your kiss like the ocean needs a breeze'

I didn't know you liked creepy things.
What do you mean.
The abandoned hospital, strangely drawn to it.
You're Boring to talk to now.
Sorry to disappoint.
Pathetic. Those meds have dulled you so much, that it's not even worth me talking to you.
Then don't.

My eyes snapping open to the sound of knocking at my door, humming in response watching the door open slowly a dark feminine looking figure walking in closing the door behind them. To tall to be Lexi, watching them come into the light of the black light, meeting eyes with seemingly boring eyes of Mikasa. Humming before turning my attention back to the imaginary holes in my ceiling.

"About Eren." Staying silent waiting for her to speak her piece.
"He's walking around our house like a sick puppy, it's starting to worry me. The fact that you-"
"That I what."
"That you're ignoring him. It's making it worse."
"So what you're saying is that you'd proactively talk to someone who pushed themselves on you?" Silence, by the look in her eyes, she didn't know.
"He wha-"
"Kisses me when told him he was to close, and to back off." The look in her eyes was a mix of disappointment and anger.
"Are you done here?" My eyes haven't left the ceiling during this interaction, not until hearing the shuffle of footsteps and a very light thud of her sitting down on the floor, resting her back on the edge of my bed.

"What were you listening to?"
"Bang, by armchair cynics." Taking my phone in hand, unlocking it before extending it out to her, inviting her to take a look at the music stored. Feeling it leave my hand, before retracting my arm resting it on my chest.
"How'd your room turn out."
"Uh? Oh, it turned out nice. Kinda like a, dark matte violet colour." Humming softly. Hearing a soft ringing coming from her phone, placing mind beside her, accepting her own call, noticing she'd put it on speaker with the caller I'd "Eren" groaning inwardly.

"Hey Mika, where are you?"
"At Ackermans."
"O-oh, say I said hi?" Listening to a awkward and nervous laugh. My glaze shifting to the ceiling before letting them close softly, listening to the lyrics of the song play quietly.

Sleep tight,
Don't let anyone bite you.
She will leave you deaf and bewildered.
Oh how she floats like a butterfly,
Stings like a killer."

Tuning out the conversation between the siblings, having no genuine interest in what flooded out through their lips, only altering my glance hearing the call disconnect while the female figure sighed softly leaning her head back against the bed glancing up at the ceiling also.

"I know he didn't mean to hurt you."
"Doesn't change what happened."
"Can you give him another chance.."
"Why would I do that."
"Because there's something betwee-"
"Whatever was 'between' us, doesn't exist anymore."
"You can show yourself out."
"W-wait what?"
"Don't make me repeat myself, and close the door behind you."
A heavy silence separating us.
"Pushing your problems away and not facing them, typic-"

Slowly standing up from my bed, before kneeling in font of the girl, tilting my head slightly glaring into her eyes, similar to mine.

"The next time you spew bullshit from your lips I won't just ask you to leave, girl. Now leave. Before I do something I won't, regret." The eye contact remained, intense, the strong glare from her faltering under my own watching her collect her phone from the floor leaving the room swiftly closing the door gently behind her. A smile smirk across my lips before exhaling a heavy breath placing a hand over my chest breathing heavily closing my eyes calming myself. Opening my eyes slightly before laying back down on my bed, not before locking the door however. Turning the music up slightly closing my eyes once more, taking calming deep breaths.

"Will you end my pain?
Will you take my life?
Will you bleed me out?
Will you hang me out to dry?
Will you take my soul in the midnight rain?
While I'm falling apart
While I'm going

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now