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"Nice to see you came to see me, Levi"

My eyes snapping from the floor to the desk to the right of the classroom doorway, a Larger man sitting with his left leg crossed over his left, fashioning a dark gray suit, black dress shoes, a white button down shirt with a loose forest green tie hanging from his neck,  his clean shaven face looking up to mine softly, his blonde hair combed neatly. Closing his book resting it on his mess of a desk, groaning to myself at the mess of papers. Watching him stand and reach for a packed binder. Walking toward the door a few steps handing it to me, examining it slowly before taking it from his hands, the weight heavier then i originally through. 

"This is the English work for the whole semester, including the Final project. You'll have until the summer break to finish and have it handed in. Yet, I don't think that will be a problem for you" He's smiling to me, nodding in response glancing up to his eyes, a light baby blue colour, making eye contact before snapping my eyes back down. 

"I believe the principle would like to talk to you, I don't know what of but-"

"I'll go talk to her." responding quietly before making my way back out the classroom door, walking simply across the hall into the main office, standing at the front desk before one of the woman walking back from the printer noticed my presence. Her smile bright and welcoming, making my groan. 

"Oh levy! We haven't seen you around lately-"

"It's Levi." Glaring intensely towards her visibly seeing her gulp her smile faltering 

"R-right, sorry about that! are you here to talk to Mrs. Ral?" simply nodding watching her walk around to the other side of the desk after setting down the copies she had just made. Waving her hand signaling for me to follow. Slowly walking behind her, gripping the folder tightly, the sounds here are to loud. Closing my eyes taking a deep breathe before the woman stopping, opening a door gesting for me to enter, walking past her into the room without making eye contact. A click behind me from the closing door, all the sound from the office downing out completely, causing a audible sigh from my lips to escape as comfortable silence filled my ears a very soft and relaxed voice breaking it through.

"It's to loud out there, I know how you feel" Do you really? Cursing my voices to silence. a light chuckle leaving the ginger haired woman sitting in her chair looking over some paper work. Walking over to a comfortable looking chair facing her. Gripping the binder tightly, the pressure almost causing the binder to squeak quietly. 

"Nothing special Honey, just wanting to make sure you had everything you need." Silence, the look in her eyes saying otherwise "Do you mind if I ask how things are going at home?" letting out a audible "Tch" her nod telling me she knew not to press any further. 

"Can I leave now, Petra." My words coming out darker then i intended them to. 

"Of course" Quickly standing heading to leave, grasping the doorknob tightly twisting it

"Oh and Levi" Glancing over my shoulder

"It's Mrs. Ral, to you" she gave me another soft smile before i quickly leave the room, closing the door softly. 

Everywhere I go people are always smiling. It makes me feel sick. Feeling pressure behind my eyes getting worse and worse. Stop it. Groaning to myself. Quickly walking down the hall glancing around to see if there are any faces around, turning the corner pushing my back against one of the schools white walls, dropping the binder to the ground with a light thud. Grasping my shirt against my chest leaning my head back staring up at the ceiling the pressure behind my eyes causing me to close them, feeling my heart race inside my chest, feeling like everything is starting to spin. My free hand pressing flat against the wall beside me, trying to take deep breathes but coming out shallow. Breathe dammit. Grinding my teeth together, Feeling a light hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump slapping the hand away from me, following the hand connected to the arm of that, Boy. Watching the green and gold eyes looking into mine with intense worry. His mouth moving but everything being muffled, shaking my head slightly waiting for everything to clear, before registering the words. 

"H-Hey, a-are you okay? should i go get the nurse?" his voice in a low panic, shaking my head slightly, leaning against the wall once more.

"I-I'm fine"

"You don't look fine!" cringing at how loud his voice was in my ears, registering my discomfort toning his voice down considerably. Closing my eyes slowly before taking a few slow deep breathes, my fist still balled in my shirt, feeling my heart beat starting to slow down to a calm regular rhythm before opening my eyes again. This time he was a little closer, leaning away watching him scratch the back of his neck. Realizing what I just let him witness quickly trying to snap back to my wits. 

"W-what was that? are you alright? You scared me ther-" Holding up my hand to silence him

"I told you, I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me" leaning down picking up the discarded binder in my hands, talking a few sort steps before feeling a hand on my arm, looking over my shoulder anger building in my throat, his confused eyes following his hand and widening slightly retracting his hand quickly 

"I-I'm sorry!" glaring into his eyes before walking away without another word. Fishing out my headphones and phone out of my jeans pocket once reaching the front doors of the school, placing the buds in my ears turning up my music 

"I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, "They're coming for me"
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me
My mind's like a deadly disease
I'm bigger than my body
I'm colder than this home
I'm meaner than my demons
I'm bigger than these bones

Taking a slow few breaths before walking around to the side of the school, then to the back where the gym glasses are held, they have three fields out back. Two football fields side by side then a gravels field roughly half a football field for drills and warm ups, knowing for a fact Hanji would be having gym right now, walking around the corner to the field, slowly walking eyeing the fields watching the bodies running playing Ultimate Frisbee, spotting hanji, notifiable from their messy brown hair and bright orange t-shirt with "Bi-Winning" written in big bold black letters. Walking for to where the coach was standing, watching the match play out and a bored look on his face, glancing over to me. 

"Here to watch the game Levi?" Nodding in response getting a approving nod back from him. Remember all the other times I've watched Hanji's gym classes, it has become routine while my presence is at the school, the gym teacher, Mr. Grove, and I have gotten along since I started here, being in his class for three years straight before needing to back off from sports. Glancing at the two fold-able  chairs already sitting out, walking over sitting down with a silent grunt crossing one leg over the other. Sitting very calmly before noticing a blurry object heading in my direction. Instinctively holding out my hand, feeling the stinging against my palm before glaring at the Frisbee in my hand, actually surprised i had caught it, Adjusting in my seat before standing, glaring at the bodies staring at him in watch looked like a mix of surprise and fear. 

"Hey jackass!" Growling watching Hanji turn their attention to me. Before chuckling 

"Fetch!" Crossing my arm over my chest before extending it letting the disk go out of my hand, it curving with the wind while watching them run and the other students after them. Shaking my hand to get rid of the sting in my hand glancing over at the coach with a smile on his face"

"You chuckled." He simply stated. 

"Yeah, whatever." rolling my eyes before sitting back down on the plastic chair. 

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now