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You're scared.

Opening my eyes slowly to a vast open space of white and nothingness, a single tall blacked out figure standing out in front of myself, roughly fifteen feet away standing with its arms crossed over its chest. The figure completely blacked out and outlined with a seemingly darker outline, giving a once over before swallowing roughly, narrowing my eyes to its pure white orbs for eyes.

"Is that so?"

Correct, or did you not hear the fear in your voice when you asked if you were sick again?

"If i was scared, it is equally shared with you."

Pathetic. Now you have that boy coming to the hospital all worried for you and deep inside you're glad, aren't you?

"You shouldn't assume things, that you know nothing about."

Watching a fang filled smile stretch across its blacked out face. 

I know everything, about everything. 

"Arrogance is unbecoming of you." 

And surviving is unbecoming of you.

"So, you really want me to die. Don't you?"

And the first clue was?

Watching it tilt its head to the side slightly. Before sighing slightly.


glancing between us when two chairs seemingly appear out of nothing, dark stained oak wood. Raising my eyebrow before taking the few steps forward running my fingertips over the wood before sitting down dragging my eyes back to the already sitting figure, leaning back crossing my left leg over my right with my arms crossed over my chest slightly. It's voice flooding my ears in a more deeper and serious tone. 

What if I told you, you're living in a dream. 

"I'd tell you, you're a idiot."

It's said that in the last moments of death, the person relives their entire life, but not every second of it. Only the times that made the most impact, or that were worth remembering. Tell me, do you remember your mother?

"Of course I do, you bastard." 

What did she look like.   

"She, she.." Narrowing my eyes. 

And what about your childhood, what of that?

"What are you getting at."

What I'm getting at, is that if you are in fact living a dream of memories. The reason you can't remember, is because they clearly, weren't worth remembering, and better yet. That we've had this conversation before.  

Taking a deep breath, clearing my head of this nonsense

"I hope psychology wasn't your choice of profession."

You're hopeless. 

If their white orbs for eyes could roll, that would in the second. Hearing a growl of voice coming out, quickly cutting it off. 

"If you're saying I'm living out a dream of my memories, because in these moment I am closing in on death, then it's clearly out of my hands. Isn't it?" glaring and the toothy smile fade into black like the rest of its face. 

"Which in turn, has make this whole conversation pointless. On top of that, you have told me you are me on more then one occasion, so do you remember what my mother looks like? Do you remember my childhood? If I can't remember then neither can you. You're 'I know everything' statement becomes void." hearing a threatening growling before the figure stood up abruptly knocking over the chair, watching as it hit the ground and shattered into nothingness. 

You ignorant child! Insulting my intelligence with you lack there of!  

"I'm tired, are you done?" the growl getting louder before fading into nothing, the black figure slowly fading into white blending into the surroundings, the whiteness of the space getting brighter causing me to cover my eyes before a familiar but echoed voice calling out my name. 


Opening my eyes to a dim lighted hospital room, groaning not wanting to wake up hear, but knowing there is no other place i'd wake up at this time. Glancing over to Hanji having a soft smile of their face

"Eren is here" nodding slightly before glancing at the curtains moving to the side slightly letting some light come in from the hallway before dimming as the figure walks in letting them fall back to their place. Watching the figure walk around the bed to the second chair sitting beside the bed, pulling it closer to the bed as they sit. Erens face was tired and slightly concerned but giving a soft smile.

"How you feeling?" his voice soft 


"W-what happened?"

"I don't know"

"What do you mean you don-"

"He passed out, doctor said from dehydration and low blood sugar" hanji cutting him off from the annoyed tone in his voice, uttering a quick sorry but dismissing it just as quick.    

"So, when can you leave?"

"Tomorrow morning , hopfully." All are eyes snapping to the figure pushing the curtains aside, the Doctors eyes locking with Erens uneasy ones.

"I don't think we've met, I'm Dr. Sun. and yourself?" 

"Eren, jeager.." the Doctor giving a slight nod before continuing 

"The blood work will be done by tomorrow morning, there result will determine if we can let you go home or not."

"He's alright though, right?" the doctor politely smiling at Eren.  

"I'll let you get some more rest, I'll see you in the morning with results." nodding slightly while he walked out, feeling the uneasiness from Eren at the Doctors lack of response.

"I'm fine.."

"He didn-"

"Eren, I'm fine." our eyes connecting 

"Are you?"

"Well if you say it like that" giving a sarcastic response watching him stumble 

"I-i, I mean!-"

"oi, keep it down" forcing as soft of a smile as I can 

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