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Laying on my back with a book in my hands, the room with a light purple glow comforting my mind, skimming over the words of the page. Hearing a soft knocking at the door before it opens, resting the book by my side making my way to sit up, the main light suddenly turning on causing me to groan internally sitting up fully, shielding my eyes before glancing at the two smiling figures standing in the doorway. Glancing before speaking softly 

"Oh, hi Mr/Mrs. Zoe" giving a tired smile

"Hi Levi honey, and please! call me Lexi!" laughing silently watching her elbow nudge the figure standing beside the energetic woman. With a calm and deep voice

"Hello Levi, how are you liking it down here?"

"It's perfect, thank you so much..for everything..I'll repay you guys i promise"

"Non sense" looking up at the man surprised "We're needing some help around the house and plus I get someone to help me with some of those cars I'm always working on. That's payment enough for me Levi"

"And as long as you help me cook and clean, That's all we ask!" Still taking it all in, feeling very thankful for everything but having only one thing to ask

"Mr. Zoe, Can I-"

"Jacob" he corrected, nodding in response. 

"Can we take a look at that car in the garage?" watching his smile grow

"Of course!"

Walking into the garage with easy access, a door just off to the side of the suites kitchen leading directly to. The place, is a mess. Glancing around the decent sized room, three work benches with a variety of tools thrown around, feeling a presence behind me stepping forward slightly letting them pass, watching as they walk around the large car shaped object sitting in the middle of the area taking up a good part of it, covered by a dirty looking gray tarp. Watching as he easily pulls it off, dropping in to the ground behind the car, my eyes narrowing at the beaten looking motor. 1965 mustang fastback. I'm pretty sure I have a disgusted look on my face, the colour originally a strikingly cobalt blue now a weathered baby blue, spots where the paint had all but peeled off, the old classic tires with the white stripe around the tire looking like its caked in dirt. Hearing a laugh looking up to see the man with his hands on his hips, his green eyes looking sadly at the car. 

"Yeah, I guess you could say it looks like-"

"Shit." I commented, getting a heartfelt laugh. watching him take the tarp dragging it back over the car, dust swirling in the air, covering my mouth to cough lightly. Taking a last cringe worth look at the mess before heading back inside the suite. 

"It you haven't noticed I kinda need to clean it"

"It'll be done by the time you get home from work tomorrow" walking into the washroom, washing my hands, twice. 

"You don't need to, I'll get around to it" letting out a laugh

"Lexi said she wanted help with cleaning right?" Looking up at him with a smirk listening to him sigh with a small smile

"Nothing I can do to change your mind, have at it my boy" he rested his hand on my shoulder, when my eyes snapped to his hand he retracted it quickly, a worried look in his eyes

"I uh..sorry I'm just not-"

"It's okay levi, don't worry. You'll get comfortable again at some point, but don't rush it. Lexi probably has dinner ready so lets go eat. I bet you haven't eaten today" Talking as i walked behind him up the stairs to the kitchen, my noise assaulted by a burning smell and a light string of curse words getting louder as we ascended the stairs. reaching the stop stair when the smoke alarm suddenly started screaming in my ears, quickly covering my ears as tightly as I can, already feeling the tightness in my chest and in my throat, watching a figure rush towards me ripping my hands away from my ears, replacing them with headphones, the screaming of the alarm being drowned out by loud music. Taking deep shaking breathes, the tightness slowly starting to fade, a figure approaching me, slowly taking out the headphones to be replaced by the calm silence of the room, looking up to see Lexi's face with a worried expression. 

"Sorry honey, I wasn't paying attention, I completely forgot you didn't like loud noises, are you alright?" Taking a few shaky breath before responding, quietly 

"I-I, I'm fine. Don't worry" the tightness slowly fading into nothing. The look on her face was now calm and relaxed, a slight hint of relief. 

"But, next time I'm cooking" Following up from my last comment, soft laughing replaces the silence, and I smile inwardly. Following her into the kitchen outwardly sighing seeing the state of it. The clearly burnt food laying in a frying pan, not just that but the kitchen was no where near organized. Looking over my shoulder to see hanji trying to hold in laughter

"Cleaning is going to be my hold day tomorrow, i swear." Reaching to pull up my sleeves but stopping just before i pull, instead walking over to the frying pan placing the burnt 'food' into the garbage before grabbing the dish soap, taking the pan over to the already full sink, glancing down to the dishwasher with a green light to label 'clean' rolling my eyes before quickly starting to clean up the mess of dishes, Lexi as left the kitchen only to return with a smile. Being pulled away by her husband into the living area hearing the dialing of a phone and the soft conversation about ordering pizza. Within about twenty minutes the dishes have been cleaned, dried, and put away neatly in the cabinets by the time the door bell rang, drying my hands with a hand towel walking out of the kitchen glancing around the corner to see the delivery guy small and walk away, Jacob had closed and locked the door, turning around to see me holding up the pizza with a smile. Nodding before tossing the hand towel in the hamper retreating to the living area with the rest of them. 

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now