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Glaring down at my feet hitting the pavement, feeling nervous even though I'm only going just down the street, walking slowly. 

"Will you be coming to the school tomorrow?" listening to the voice ask softly 

"I have no reason to." my voice quiet 

"Hanji said you like to sit and watch their gym class, mine is the block before them, why don't you come watch my class?" glancing up to the bright smile one his face, just noticing now that he has dimples, Cute

"I'll see how i feel." looking forward while turning into his driveway, and slowly climbing the few stairs to the front door before walking in, rolling my eyes, they left the door unlocked. Holding the door opening walking inside before the door closes after me, standing on the landing. Stairs leading to a lower level, and stairs leading to the upper level. Slipping my shoes off letting him guide me watching him head to the lower level. Roughly about fifteen steps to a door way, leading into a very small hallway leading to the right hand side, another door standing closed with a sign on the front. 'This is a Zombie free zone' rolling my eyes lightly while he opens the door walking in following beside him stopping at the doorway looking over the room. A medium sized room, a mattress places on the ground pushed up against the back and wall to my left, the sheets in disarray clearly not made from the previous nights sleep. A black fabric couch pushed up against the back wall a foot away from the head of the bed, a small wooden table a few feet away from the couch. To my Left was the closet, the wooden doors replaced by sliding doors with mirror fronts, in the far right corner sat a cabinet with a flat screen TV sitting on the top, the cabinet doors open slightly revealing a Xbox 360 resting inside, three controllers sitting in the space beside it, a array of games taking up the floor in front of the cabinet, glancing up at the wall in my front vision, a double wide window covered by a black blanket. The room was fairly organized while the walls are covered by a assortment of posters ranging from bands to video games to the odd anime poster here and there. Then below the window where some work out equipment, a few weights, skipping rope, then a pair of clearly used MMA gloves. 

"You like it? My own little cave, and the best part is its soundproof" glancing to him with a skeptical and questioning gaze, seeing the slightly panic 

"No no! for my music!" watching him laugh nervously pointing at the speakers set up behind the TV along with noticing a medium sized amp and a guitar hanging from the wall above. Slowly walking over and sitting down out the couch, it being surprisingly comfy. Resting my head back against the back of the couch, seeing a outstretched hand out the corner of my eye, glancing down at his hand with a controller in his hand.

"You play?" taking the controller in my hand wrapping my slim fingers around it

"A bit." taking his other hand out from behind his back holding up three different game cases. 'Left for dead' 'Black ops 1' 'Dead rising

"Your choice" Glancing up at his smile 

"I sense you like zombies" 

"Guilty" gently pointing to the left for dead game case, glancing over at the glowing tv as the Xbox booted up, placing the disk into the try before sitting on his bed while I sit comfortably in the corner of the couch closest to him. 

"You'll hav to-" glancing through the characters choosing the young looking kid name Ellis. 

"Duude, that's tots my character"

"Say tots again, i dare you." lightly smirking while mumbling something under his breath before closing 'Nick'

~~Time Skip ten minutes~~

Starring boringly at the screen, calmly making a path for myself to get to the check point, the controller starting to vibrate glancing down at it. Glancing back at the screen seeing the behemoth of a zombie charging at me, my eyes growing wide slightly. 

"Fucking Christ!" gripping onto the controller, Erens laugh now filling my ears 

"Run from it Levi!"

"I'm stuck on a car what the fuck!" listening to him laugh harder while I have this little freak out over being stuck on a virtual car getting my ass beat by this behemoth quickly losing what health I hand before throwing a hand up in the air, causing Eren to continue laughing trying to run around in circles from this zombie attempting to get enough room to get my character up before failing. Grumbling to myself glaring at the screen waiting for him to compose himself. 

"The fuck" mumbling 

"That would be whats called a 'Tank'" rolling my eyes before him starting up another game, this time on Easy, sneaking fucker put in on hard just for me. His voice was soft when he started talking, 

"Would you like me to tell you about myself? why i go to the clinic and stuff"

"I won't force you" mumbling out staring intensely at the game. 

"I mean, you told me about you, it's only fair" humming a silent response. 

"Dad isn't in the picture anymore, him and my mom got a divorce a while back now so I haven't seen him in years, nothing bad happened they just didn't 'click' anymore. Mom is a nurse at the hospital downtown so she works long hours, not around much but I don't mind since I have mikasa around. Me and her were actually adopted into the Jeager family, my 'real' parents passed in a car crash, me and her are the only ones that survived the accident. I go to the clinic for mild PTSD because of that crash and what I saw, it's not bad, but enough that I see Clare every first and third Monday of each month. Just to vent, I don't have as many episodes as I used to. I still can't be in a vehicle, well, I can but I go into a panic attack if I'm in one for to long. Anything to do with cars terrifies me i guess you could say, I take those to help, ones called Paroxetine, the other Parzosin? I think. They both treat the same thing, but one is for the mental effects the other for the psychical. I carry them everywhere i go." Silently listening to his words, taking everything in making sure not to miss anything. 

"That's about it, my story" nodding in understanding, my phone buzzing in my pocket slowly pulling it out glancing at the screen my heart dropping into my stomach, replaced my a uneasy anger. 

"W-whats wrong, who is it?" turning the phone screen away from me over to him allowing him to see the caller ID 'Dad' letting him softly take the phone out of my pocket him glancing at me before giving him a slight nod, sliding accept and putting it on speaker, it was silent for a moment before hearing a string of mumbling curse words before a harsh voice speaking over the phone. 

"You little- Did you vandalize Ashley's car! you better get back to this house within the next-"

"Excuse me, but who exactly do you think you're talking to." Erens voice was deeper then normal, his eyes were slightly hooded, seemingly, angry. 

"I don't know who you are, but put Levi on the phone this instant"

"And if I tell you this 'Levi' is no longer the owner of this phone number?" silence.

"No I-"

"Then I would suggest you learn some common manners, now, I have a life I need to get on with. By the sounds of it, that's more then you can say."

"M-My apologies. Have a good ni-" Watching him hang up tossing the phone beside him, looking to me with a small smile. 

"Remind me to go down to the cell phone place tomorrow after school, we'll get your number changed" letting out a breath I didn't know i was holding in, trying to give him a smile back, only managing a small smirk that rugged at the corner of my mouth. 

"Hey Eren"


"Can i crash on your couch tonight" he was seemingly taken back by my question 

"Uh, yeah if you're comfortable" managing another small smirk before turning back to see the the panning of the camera of our characters dead surrounded by zombies. 

Behind Dull Eyes (1/2)Where stories live. Discover now