Chapter 6

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"They've been in there for quite a while. Should we go check on them?" Nanami said after the group had sat outside the shrine for over an hour. Having grown bored within the first five minutes of waiting, the goddess had settled down on the grass and contented herself with weaving flower crowns out of the various wild blossoms and weeds that had yet to be picked and thrown out. She was currently busy finishing a crown for Tomoe since Onikiri, Kotetsu, and herself already had one, but as she was securing the last flower, a mighty gust of wind knocked the crown from her hands.

"Kurama! Look what you did!" the goddess whined as picked the flowers up off the ground only for them to fall apart in her hands.

"Oops, my bad." the tengu shrugged. He didn't sound the least bit sorry.

Rolling his eyes, Tomoe picked up the destroyed crown and mended it within moments.

"Is she locked up?" he asked Mizuki as the other familiar leaped from the back of his snake onto the ground.

"Yep. All the spells are in place, so she won't be getting out of there any time soon. I still think it's a rather disrespectful to use the Yonomori shrine as a prison though." Mizuki replied. He glanced up at the Mikage shrine and frowned. "Atomu still hasn't come back out?"


"Do you suppose she killed him?"


"Still, we should probably check on them. Tomoe, why don't you go take a look?" Mizuki suggested.

Tomoe scowled at the snake. Of course the coward would automatically volunteer him. "Why don't you do it yourself? Are you still scared?"

Mizuki's cheeks flushed the color of tomatoes. "O-Of course not! Why would you say that, Tomoe?"

"Oh, no reason. It just seems that whenever things get dangerous or even slightly risky, you always want me to take care of it. I must be imagining though. There's no way the fearless Mizuki would ever get scared." Tomoe said mockingly, a sly smirk on his face. As he turned and made his way up to the shrine, the fox could sense the snake burning holes in the back of his skull and as a result, his smirk tripled in size. However, as he was reaching for the door, it suddenly slid open, causing him to jump back.

"I should've know you guys wouldn't be able to follow instructions, but I expected more from you, Tomoe." Atomu said with a tired smile.

Tomoe's eyes widened as Mizuki started snickering behind him. "Wait, it's not like that-"

"Really? It certainly looks that way." Atomu chuckled. "Either way, it doesn't matter. You guys can all come in."

"Finally!" Nanami cried excitedly, leaping to her feet and racing past Atomu and Tomoe and into the shrine. Kurama, Mizuki, Onikiri, Kotetsu, Tomoe, and Atomu followed after her. As they passed each other, the fox and the snake shared a hostile glare before Nanami suddenly gave a loud yelp.

"Oh my gosh! Is it already that late?! I haven't even started my homework!" the human goddess cried in horror when she saw the clock in the kitchen. Spinning on her heels, she dashed into the livingroom only to find that her book bag was no longer by the door where she left it. "Tomoe, where did you put my stuff?!"

"I didn't put it anywhere. You put your supplies in your room on Friday claiming you would get all your work done that night so you could have the rest of the weekend to relax." Tomoe stated flatly.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that...." Nanami blushed, rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly. "I was just about to start my math homework when I decided to take a nap instead."

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