Chapter 15

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As she yawned sleepily and slowly opened her eyes, Sakura blinked in surprise when she saw the warm light of the sunrise creeping through her window and bathing her room with an amber glow. Something was missing.

"Where's Tomoe? Why isn't he here yelling at me for sleeping in?"

Rising to her feet and scurrying over to her closet, the redhead hastily switched into her kimono before taking a timid step out of her room. When her teacher did not come barreling down the hallway ready to strangle her, she tiptoed through the eerily quiet shrine, listening closely for any signs of life. Finally picking up two voices, she followed them till they led her to the kitchen. There, Onikiri and Kotetsu sat on the counter, quietly sipping cups of tea and whispering to one another.

"Hey." she called to the two shrine spirits as she sauntered towards them.

"Oh, you're awake, Lady Sakura!" Kotetsu stated, sounding rather surprised. Grabbing a cup and the still warm tea kettle, he held them out to her. "Would you like some?"

Nodding, Sakura gingerly accepted the cup and allowed the little spirit to fill it. After taking a sip and savoring the soothing warmth of the drink sliding down her throat, she asked, "So, where is Tomoe?"

"He stayed up late doing so extra work and has yet to awaken." Onikiri answered.

Sakura raised an eyebrow. "Mizuki and Nanami?"

"They're asleep as well. Excluding us, you're the first one to awaken." Kotetsu concluded as he refilled his tea cup.

"Is that so?" Sakura said thoughtfully. After a moment's pause, she added. "Onikiri, Kotetsu, do either of you know how to cook?"

The two shrine spirit looked at one another in confusion then at Sakura. "Huh?"


When Tomoe blinked himself awake, it took him a moment to comprehend the amount of sunlight flooding into his room before his eyes widened. Grabbing the little wooden clock he kept by his bed, he stared down at it in horror and then sprang to his feet.

"It's already ten o'clock! Nanami and the others are bound to be waking up at any moment and I haven't made their breakfast!" he panicked, sprinting out of his room and down the hall in hopes of being able to hurriedly throw a meal together for the household. Unfortunately, at that moment, Mizuki decided to emerge from his room as well and the two collided in a pile of limbs and grumbling.

"What's all the commotion?" Nanami mumbled sleepily as she entered the hallway, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. When she saw Tomoe and Mizuki sprawled out on the floor a look of surprise and confusion swirled in her eyes. "Tomoe? Wait, if you and Mizuki are here, then who is responsible for that wonderful smell coming from the kitchen?"

For a moment, Tomoe looked just as confused as she did but he quickly understood as the heavenly scent of something cooking entered his nose. Pushing Mizuki off of him, the fox stood up and dusted himself off before trekking down the hall that led to the kitchen. Peeking inside, his jaw early hit the floor when he saw Sakura leaning over a pot, ladling a little soup into a cup and passing it to Kotetsu.

"Well, how does it taste?" she asked, biting her lip.

Kotetsu hummed in approval and handed the cup back to her. "It's very good, Lady Sakura. I'm sure the others will agree."

Sakura sighed in relief and placed the cup in the sink before grabbing several bowls from the cupboard and pouring some soup into each one. After placing the bowls onto a tray Onikiri had fetched for her, the vixen grabbed the tray and prepared to leave the kitchen only to stop in her tracks when she noticed she was being watched.

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