Chapter 11

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As the peaceful chirping of crickets echoed faintly through the stillness of early morning, Sakura mumbled unintelligible things in her sleep as she hugged a spare pillow she had gotten from Nanami. As she dreamed, she did not hear the door to her room squeak as it slid open or the patter of footsteps as a shadowy figure snuck into her room and up alongside her bed. Scowling down at her, Tomoe grabbed the edge of the futon and lifted it up, sending the vixen tumbling through the air and onto the ground. Yelping in surprise, she spun around and glared angrily up at him.

"Tomoe, what the heck are you doing?!" she exclaimed.

"It is time for you to get up."

"But the sun hasn't even risen yet!"

"Good familiars often rise long before the sun creeps into the sky and lay down long after it has set, so you better get used to it."

"That awful! Why the heck do they do that?!"

"So they can beginning preparing what their kamisama will need for the day long before he or she even awakens. It is the duty of a servant to attend to his or her master's every whim, and the best servants know what their masters will need long before they ask. Now get off the floor and come with me; we have a long day ahead of us." Tomoe lectured.

Rolling her eyes, Sakura rose to her feet and followed her instructor down the shrine's dark hallways. Just as the sun began to peak over the horizon, the two stepped out onto the porch, a little breeze caressing their skin. Sakura's brows furrowed in confusion when she noticed a lone stool sitting toward the edge of the porch. As if a reading her thoughts, Tomoe began a brief explanation as he picked up a towel that was neatly folded next to the stool and wrapped it snugly around her shoulders.

"The first step to becoming a good familiar starts with your appearance and self-maintenance. Most familiars choose to wear their hair shorter since it is easier to manage and doesn't get in the way of their work. While you are free to choose how you maintain your hair after this is all over, as long as you are my underling you must abide by my standards. Sit down." he stated, dragging her over to the stool.

Sakura's eyes widened and she immediately began to thrash about. "Heck no! You are NOT cutting my hair!"

Tomoe scowled at her and roughly yanked her to his chest before shoving her down onto the stool. Before the vixen could comprehend what was happening, he whisked a pair of scissors out of one of his pockets, grabbed her ponytail, and hacked off several inches of red silk. As she watched her shorn locks flutter to the ground, Sakura started to cry.

"Oh, would you stop? You sound like a child! Grow up and stop your blubbering." Tomoe snapped angrily. However, when the vixen's cries refused to cease, his ears drooped as a puddle of guilt began to grow in his gut. Setting down the scissors, he slid around to the front of the stool and knelt before Sakura, his eyes fixed on her face.

"Sakura, please stop crying. I'm sorry for being so rough. I'm only trying to help you, I promise." he said in a much gentler tone as he gently grasped hold her chin and made her look at him. "I promise, while your hair will be shorter, it will still be much longer than mine so please don't fret."

Sniffling, Sakura wiped her tears away with her sleeve and met Tomoe's gaze. She was surprised by the earnestness shining in his eyes, as well as his soft almost sympathetic expression. However, he would not win her over so easily.

"You don't get it! A girl's hair means a lot to her! We spend years taking care of it and giving it special attention and treatment to ensure it grows long and healthy so having it suddenly hacked off without our consent is traumatizing!" Sakura angrily shrieked.

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