Chapter 22

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In all his years of life, Tomoe had never been one to get nervous, but as he silently followed Ayano up the dark, ominous hill, his ears rang with the sound of his irregular heartbeat and shaky breathing. Had the circumstances been different, Mizuki would've jumped at the chance to tease him about this uncharacteristic and rather childish behavior, but now he kept his mouth shut and his eyes focused on the ground, his mind filled with thoughts of his poor goddess. The atmosphere around the group was grim and tense, each member doing what he or she could to mentally prepare himself of herself for what was about to take place while knowing full well that nothing they did would truly be enough.

Hearing a soft whimper, Tomoe glanced over his shoulder to see Sakura trailing behind him, her ears drooped slightly as her tail tucked between her legs. When she noticed him staring at her, she immediately straightened her posture in an attempt to make herself look grave but Tomie was no fool. Pursing his lips, he slowed his pace enough for Sakura to catch up to him and then proceeded to walk alongside her.

"Are you scared?" he asked quietly, not wishing to be overheard by the others.

Sakura's shoulders sagged and she hung her head shamefully. "Maybe...I'm sorry, I just can't shake it. Even after my training, I'm still terrified."

Tomoe raised an eyebrow at her. "Fear isn't something that just goes away, Sakura."

"I still feel pathetic."

"Don't. We're all scared too."

"Really? So even you, after all your years of fighting, get scared?" The vixen grumbled sarcastically.

"Yes. I'm scared right now, same as you. I'm scared for my goddess and what Hirito might be doing to her right now. I'm scared that our plan could go terribly wrong and that I could lose you. I'm scared that I might not walk out of this fight alive." Tomoe confessed bashfully, raising his hand to tenderly caress Sakura's cheek.

Sakura's expression softened slightly as she leaned into his touch. "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"I beg to differ. I'm just as scared as you are, Sakura."

"Then home come you seem so calm?"

"I'm not. I'm just really good at acting."

Sakura's brows drew together as her lips curved into a slight frown. "Then what do we do?"

"We use it."


"We use it. Fear can serve as a fuel for action. You don't want to die? You fight. You don't want your loved ones to die? Fight harder. Take the fear as use it to spur you on." Tomoe said simply.

Sakura's eyes sparkled for a moment before falling back to the ground before her, her hair draping over her face.

"I can't do this. I still have so much to learn." she mumbled dejectedly, her ears drooping.

"It is true that you are still quite inexperienced and wouldn't last against Hirito fighting by yourself, but you aren't facing him alone. I'll be right beside you the whole time, as will your brother and the others." Tomoe cooed gently as he reached up to stroke her ears, the sensitive appendages trembling slightly beneath his touch. Sakura's cheeks flushed bright red and she shot a shy glance up at Tomoe's face, prompting him to smile. Giggling sheepishly, Sakura stood on her tiptoes and placed a tender kiss on Tomoe's cheek, causing him to glance at her questioningly before his eyes started to shine with a mischievous light.

"You need to be bolder than that." he growled before pulling her close and peppering her face and neck with hot, chaste kisses, prompting her to squeal.

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