Chapter 19

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Sakura and Tomoe couldn't decide who looked more shocked by their announcement: Atomu or Nanami. Both gods just stared at the duo, completely frozen as their minds attempted to process what they had just been told.

"Wait, let me get this straight: you two are together now?!" Nanami exclaimed, the paralysis spell finally wearing off.

Tomoe flinched slightly as a loud ringing echoed in his ears. "Yes, that is correct."

"And he didn't blackmail you into this by threatening to kill someone or something, did he?" Nanami asked Sakura suspiciously.

Sakura chuckled and shook her head. "No, nothing like that."

Nanami's frown deepened as she glanced back and forth between the two familiars, sending waves of unease coursing through both of them. Then, with a loud squeal, the goddess suddenly broke into a smile and threw herself across the table, wrapping Sakura in Tomoe in a tight hug. The two foxes both yelped in surprise and started to squirm, struggling to escape the girl's iron grasp.

"Finally! I've been quietly shipping you guys for so long! I knew if you could just stop fighting for two seconds that you would realize you two are perfect for one another!" Nanami gushed excitedly.

"Y-You're not mad at me?" Tomoe asked, surprised.

"Oh, I'm still mad at you, but if Sakura is able to forgive you then so can I. Aw, you guys are going to be so cute together!" Nanami babbled.

Sakura flashed Nanami a weak smile before turning her attention to Atomu, who had remained eerily silent this entire time. A frown graced the redhead's lips as she managed to slip free from Nanami's hold and kneel by her brother's side.

"Atomu?" she softly called out to him, quietly begging him to look at her.

"Is this what you want?" Atomu asked sternly as he gingerly took his sister's hands in his own. After receiving a nod of confirmation from her, he turned his gaze to Tomoe. "And you want her as well?"

Tomoe nodded and bowed meekly before Atomu, his face so low that it was practically touching the demigod's shoe. "You have every right to be angry with me, your lordship, but if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I shall cherish your sister closely and love her wholeheartedly."

"That's a pretty lofty claim. Are you sure you can fulfill it?" Atomu mused.

"If I can't then I don't deserve to be the familiar of a matchmaking goddess." Tomoe stated firmly in reply.

"Tomoe, I think you're being a bit overdramatic..." Nanami mumbled as she glanced back and forth between her familiar and Atomu.

After scowling down at Tomoe for a moment longer, Atomu started to smile and released a sigh.

"You're quite serious about this, aren't you? I'm sure that even if I didn't approve of you that I wouldn't be able to keep you and Sakura apart." he chuckled, his laughter dispersing the dark clouds that had gathered over the room. "Just to be clear, if you ever pull a stunt like last night again, I will skewer you with a stalagmite, are we clear?"

Tomoe's shoulders relaxed as a weary smile appeared on his face. "Yes, of course. Thank you for extending me your grace and favour, Atomu."

"Just keep my sister happy, alright? Otherwise I'll make you regret the day you were ever born."

"I understand."

Sakura sighed in relief as the tension in the air disappeared and placed an affectionate kiss on Tomoe's cheek, a smirk on her lips. "I told you not to worry."

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