Chapter 17

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One week later...

As Tomoe opened his eyes, he wasn't surprised when the scent of freshly cooked food filled his nose.

"She beat me again? Heh, not bad."

Rising to his feet, the white fox crept down the hall on silent feet and sneakily peeked into the kitchen from the open doorway. Sakura stood bent over the sink, scrubbing a dirty skillet with such vigor and force that Tomoe was surprised that it didn't snap in half. Above the swishing off the soapy water and the scraping of the sponge against the pan's metal surface, Tomoe was able to detect a faint, melodic humming resonating from Sakura's lips as she worked, the swaying of her tail perfectly in sync with the rhythm. As he watched her, Tomoe felt a soft, pleasant smile starting to creep its way onto his lips, and to his own surprise, he didn't try to suppress it - at least, not until Sakura called out to him, startling him out of his daze.

"Do you need something, Tomoe?" she called over her shoulder, having sensed his presence.

"Uh, n-no. I was just taking a moment to enjoy the calm atmosphere before Mizuki and Nanami wake up and ruin it." the white fox lied, his pulse thundering in his ears as he turned a pale shade of scarlet.

"Well, if you don't mind, could you take the food into the dining room and set up for breakfast? I would really appreciate it." Sakura asked, using her tail to point at the trays of food resting on the counter off to her right.

"Yes, of course." Tomoe answered, shuffling over to the counter and grabbing the trays. However, as he was turning to leave, he suddenly stopped and cast another glance at the vixen, who had finished cleaning the skillet and was now drying her hands on a fluffy, snow white towel.


"Yes, Tomoe?"

Tomoe's cheeks started to flush again and a lump the size of a large marble swelled in his throat. Swallowing his nerves, he took a breath and continued.

"I wanted to commemorate you for all of your hard work. You've grown a lot in just a week and...and I'm very proud of you."

Sakura felt her cheeks go warm. "T-Thank you. I'm only doing so well because I had a great teacher."

That sentence made Tomoe's heart slam against his chest with such force that it hurt and his usually sharp tongue turned into an immovable chunk of lead in his mouth. After offering Sakura a weak smile of gratitude, the fox quickly fled from the kitchen and into the dining room, which thankfully was vacant. Setting the trays of food down on the table, he proceeded to lean against the wall with his hand resting on his heart, the sound of his heavy breathing echoing throughout the empty room.

"Darn it, Tomoe! Get a hold of yourself! You're being pathetic! You don't really want her! She'll just break your heart as well! Bad Tomoe! Very bad Tomoe!"

Heaving a loud sigh, Tomoe closed his eyes and forced his tense muscles to relax. Slowly, he felt the heat leaving his face and the queasiness of his stomach began to settle. However, when he opened his eyes, the fox practically leaped out of his skin, a scream bubbling at the back of his throat, when he found Nanami and Mizuki staring intently at him.

"Tomoe, what are you doing? Are you alright?" Nanami inquired, a hint of worry in her sweet voice.

"I bet he was daydreaming about Sakura. Tomoe and Sakura sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-Gak!" Mizuki sang, his voice breaking off as Tomoe's hand wrapped around his throat and started to squeeze.

"I have had enough of you, serpent! Today is the day I rid myself of you for good!" Tomoe growled as he watched the snake's face start to turn purple.

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