Chapter 8

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A groan escaped Nanami's lips as she sluggishly sat up, blinking rapidly as the light of the sunset burning her eyes.

"Ugh, where am I? What era is this?"

Glancing at her surroundings, Nanami realized she had appeared right outside a shrine quite similar to her own. In the distance, she could see a cluster of huts.

"Judging by the buildings, I went far enough back in time, but how am I going to find Sakura-" Nanami's thoughts were interrupted by a loud shriek.

"That's it, ya little mutt! Get out of here!" an angry voice shouted.

"That sounds like it came from the shrine!"

Leaping to her feet, Nanami raced to the wall surrounding the sacred building and peered over the top of it. Standing in the courtyard were two young women, one burly and one skinny, and resting at their feet was a pile of rags and filth. Judging by the cat ears resting on top of each girl's head, they were cat yokai who were serving as familiars in the shrine.

"Go on! Scram, ya runt! You're not wanted around here!" the butchy neko snarled as she kicked the bundle on the ground. A loud whimper followed, and Nanami's eyes widened in horror.

"That's not a bundle of clothes. It's a child!"

Slowly, the bundle began to stand up, revealing a pair of unmistakable, oversized, red fox ears.

Nanami gasped, her hands flying to her mouth. "Oh my gosh, that's-"

The young version of Sakura brushed her tangled red hair out of her eyes and gazed up at the muscular cat woman. "P-Please, I just want to speech with the goddess of this shrine-"

"Our goddess doesn't have time street rats! Now besides, you're a canine so you're not welcome here!"

"Please, just let me speak with her! I was hoping she would like to take on another familiar-"

"Absolutely ridiculous. There is no way our master would have any use for you. Now leave before I-"

"Wait sister, let's hear her out. After all, having another familiar around means less work for us." the slimmer, more delicate neko said as she stepped forward. "Do you have any experience with housework child?"

Sakura's ears drooped and she shook her head.


The young fox shook her head again.


Again, another no.

"Any fighting ability or experience?"

Sakura didn't even answer and hung her head shamefully.

"Told you she would be of no use. Just send her away already so we can get back to our work." the burly neko stated flatly.

"No, please don't do that!" Sakura begged, her eyes full of desperation. "I may not know any skills, but I'm willing to learn. Please just give me a chance."

"You're not worth the effort kid. Leave and quit wasting our time."

Sakura's sighed as she accepted the inevitable. "C-Could I at least have a meal and spend the night here? It's getting colder at night and all the small animals, berries, and nuts are disappearing."

By now, the muscular neko was fuming.


Frightened, Sakura raced out the shrine and into the woods, her tail tucked between her legs.

"Hey, wait! Stop! Sakura, come back!" Nanami cried as the little girl ran past her. When she didn't respond, realization dawned on the goddess.

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