Chapter 7

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"You and Tomoe broke up?! Oh Nanami, I'm so sorry! That's awful!" Ami cried as she, Nanami, and Kei ate lunch together.

"Ami, quit sobbing like that before you get your snot and tears on my food!" Kei snapped.

"But Kei, Nanami broke up with her boyfriend!!!! Don't you think that's sad?!"

"She'll get over it. I broke up with my boyfriend this morning and I'm fine, aren't I?"

"You two had only been dating for a week though, Kei! Nanami and Tomoe were together for a really long time!"

"Ami, it's okay. I'm not upset." Nanami said, grabbing her friend's hand.

Ami blinked at the brunette and wiped her eyes. "You're not?"

"Nope. Well, maybe a little, but I care more about Tomoe's happiness than my own."

"And you think he's happy now that your relationship is over?"

"I don't know, but I didn't want to keep him chained down by a dead romance."

"Nanami, you're so sweet and selfless! Tomoe has no idea what he's missing!" Ami exclaimed, wrapping her friend in a hug.

Nanami said nothing and began poking at her food with one of her chopsticks. Ami frowned.

"Nanami? Are you sure you're okay?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm sure. Why?"

"You seem distracted."

"I was just thinking about something, that's all."

"Nanami Momozono was thinking about something? What is our world coming too?" Kei said sarcastically as she set down her phone, causing Ami to gasp. "What's so important that its got your gears turning?"

Nanami sighed and gazed out the window. After Sakura left, it had started to rain, which perfectly matched the goddess' mood.

"It's Tomoe, isn't it?" Ami inquired.

Nanami nodded slowly.

"Nanami, quit thinking about him. He's just another stupid guy who isn't worth your tears. Get over him already." Kei said flatly.

"I am over him, Kei, but I don't know if he's over me and that's what I'm worried about."

"That's his problem, not yours."

"I guess you're right..." Nanami sighed and took a bite of her lunch. "But then again, I'm the matchmaking goddess, not an ordinary girl, so it kind of is my problem."

Sensing her friend's unease, Ami decided to change the subject.

"What do you think of the two new students?" she asked Nanami, smiling in her usual bubbly way.

"Huh? Sakura and Atomu? They're pretty nice, I guess."

"You've talked to them?"

"I met them when they moved here over the weekend. I didn't know they would be coming to school here till yesterday though." Nanami lied.

"Ooo, it must be fate that you guys are going to the same school!" Ami squealed.

Kei rolled her eyes. "Don't be stupid, Ami. They started attending school here because it's probably close to where they live."

"I like the idea of fate better." Ami said dreamily. Turning back to Nanami, she started to giggle. "You know, Atomu is kinda cute. Maybe you or Kei should ask him if he's single."

"He's not my type." Kei muttered.

"How could you know that? You haven't even talked to him yet!"

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