Chapter 21

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Fire. That was all Tomoe and Sakura could see as they descended into the chaos below them, the shrieks of the tengu soldiers filling their ears as any water in the camp was thrown onto the blaze in hopes of putting it out. Through the dense smoke they could just make out the shape of Jirou as he sternly ordered his men about and gracefully landed next to him, causing him to jump and start to draw his sword before he realized who they were.

"You two? What are you doing here?!" he barked.

"We were nearby and heard the commotion. What happened?" Tomoe grunted in response.

Jirou grit his teeth as his eyes drank in the still roaring flames. "We don't know for sure but it seems likely that this was an attack by Hirito's forces."

"How would he know you're stationed here though? He doesn't even know where Atomu and I are hiding, does he?" Sakura said, her expression fearful.

Jirou grew gravely quiet, causing Sakura's already fair skin to turn ghostly pale. Eyes narrowing, she grabbed Jirou by the collar and pulled him down so he was looking her in the eye.

"Answer me! Does he know where we are?!" she spat, her fists trembling as her green eyes shone brightly in the light of the fire.

"I...I'm not sure. We have no idea what he knows about us other than our location. I've already sent one of my men to check on the others and escort them back here as a precaution though."

"Just one? You really think one man will be able to take on whatever forces Hirito sends after the greatest threat to his reign?" Tomoe growled.

Jirou's eyes narrowed angrily at the fox. "In case you haven't noticed, my camp is on fire; I can't exactly spare many of my people at the moment."

Rolling his eyes, Tomoe whirled around and glared up at the sky above despite the smoke still obscuring his view. "I know you're there, Mizuki. Get down here now."

After a momentary pause, some of the smoke curled back to reveal the familiar flying cart gracefully floating down towards them, Mizuki and Atomu standing in the doorway with sheepish expressions on their faces.

"So, you were watching us?" Tomoe scowled disapprovingly at them.

"We just wanted to make sure you didn't try anything inappropriate again." Mizuki replied flatly, glowering back at the fox with his arms crossed over his chest.

Meanwhile, Atomu leaped out of the cart and cautiously tiptoed towards his sister, who had released Jirou and now stood staring at the ground and shaking. "Sakura?"

In a blur of motion, the vixen rushed over to him and wrapped him securely in her arms, her eyes welling with tears. "Atomu...I'm not ready. I've gotten stronger but it's not enough. I'm nowhere near Father's level of fighting skill and even he fell to Hirito! I won't be able to stop him! I won't be able to protect you and Nanami and everyone! I...I..."

"Sakura, you need to calm down. We don't know for certain that he has found us-" Atomu tried to say, but she swiftly cut him off.

"But if he has then it's all over! I can't win against him! I promised Dad that I would protect you, but I can't even do that despite all of my training and growth!" Sakura lamented as she squeezed him tighter and buried her face into his shoulder. "Maybe there's still enough time for you to get away. I could stay here and hold him off as long as possible while you find somewhere safe to hide. Maybe if I take long enough you can even escape the country; then Hirito will never be able to find you and you'll be safe! Yes, that's what you need to do! Does Kurama have a private plan? Maybe he can take you with hi, on an upcoming world tour or-"

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